Zaka Volunteer Rescues Chosson & Kallah from Yichud Room

This story takes place at a Bnei Brak chasnah earlier this week. This incident took place on Tuesday night, the eve of 6 Adar 5772, in the Armanot Bat Sheva Hall.

The newlyweds were taking an unusually long time in the yichud room, prompting a family member to call in and inquire regarding the delay. It was then that the family learned the young couple was locked in, unable to get the metal safety door open. The hall manager arrived in a timely fashion and he too was unable to open the door with the key.

Others came and tried their luck with the door, but there was no success and the young couple was locked inside the yichud room.

It soon became apparent that professional assistance would be required to get them out. A locksmith was summoned to get them out. Michael Jacobowitz, a ZAKA volunteer, who was among the guests in the hall, approached the door and he began to examine it. They waited for the locksmith who appeared to have been delayed and after 25 minutes, Jacobowitz began seeing if he could succeed where others failed. Less than a minute after he began tinkering with the door it opened. The new couple emerged with big smiles and the simcha continued.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. B’Ezras Hashem all our lives should be lived with our spouses as if we were stuck in the yichud room! Ha’levai!

  2. Now everybody go ahead and shower ZAKA with millions of dollars, so that they can continue showing of the bombed Jewish busses r”l in Germany and in other places of the word…..

  3. this headline is so sensationalized. Like the national enquirer. From the words Zaka and rescue you think CV the couple were found lifeless on the floor with carbon monoxide poisoning or something. Why on Earth is this news? The only thing it can possibly accomplish is bringing more undue embarrassment to the new couple.

  4. Mazel Tov. What a good story they’ll have to tell their children and einiklach. May they be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael.

  5. This zaka story is so small to what Zaka is doing every day . Let’s support Zaka so they can continue to do the work no one of us would ever want to do.

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