Gedolei Yisrael Concerned of Threat to Yeshivos

In a meeting of askanim in Yerushalayim the director of Agudas Yisrael, Meir Porush, told the forum that gedolei yisrael shlita are most concerned and fearful regarding the plight of yeshivos in light of the High Court of Justice decision that the Tal Law granting military service deferments to avreichim may not be extended.

The daily HaMevaser reports askanim have begun meeting with “gedolei Torah and chassidus shlita” to seek guidance as how they should act to combat the worrisome decree. The report adds that since the court’s decision, the gedolim have not slept due to their concerns surrounding the ramifications of the decision.

Porush shared what he heard at the recent emergency gathering in the home of HaRosh Yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita where the participants discussed the very same issue.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. You reap what you sow. They should have been for year sending to the Army the 25% of the yeshiva students that don’t belong there in the first place and are not doing much.
    The original agreement between the yeshiva’s and the government was that the elite people in the yeshiva’s and kollel would not have to join the army not that anyone wouldn’t.

  2. This proves that the Rabbanim were right 100 years in preferring peace with communal autonomy under the Muslims over the zionist decision to subjugate the Muslims and create a state of continual warfare.

    As the hilonim die out due to their low birthrate, they will become more dependent on frum Jews for manpower, and more desperate to “convert” frum Jews into “normal” hilonim. The army is clearly the way to go. As long as they can minimize yiddishkeit in the army, they can hope to “recruit” enough kids to go “off the derekh” to replenish their shrinking numbers, and postpone the inevitable day when the demographics will result in Israel democratically voting to become a Jewish state.

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