Rav Berland Escapes Injuries in Rock Barrage; Chassidim Claim ‘Tikkun Klali’ Saved Them

HaRav Eliezer Berland Shlita, rosh yeshiva of Shuvu Banim in Jerusalem’s Old City and prominent rov in the Breslov community was fortunate to escape uninjured when the vehicular convoy he was traveling in came under attack. The rav was returning from Hebron, heading home to Betar Illit when the vehicle he was riding in came under attack with a hail of rocks.

The rav left Hebron with many talmidim and they traveled in a vehicular convoy. Those present reported that “Hashem saved us, mamosh a miracle”, explaining a number of vehicles were significantly damaged due to the barrage of stones. (It appears that some of the vehicles did not have the Lexan® rock-resistant windows as was evident by the broken glass).

According to one chossid who was there, Yossi Fisher, the rav traveled to Hebron a number of nights to be mispallel of late, and on the return of one of those visits they came under attack. The attack occurred near Halhoul, north of Hebron. When the first car was hit the driver veered left; apparently unaware he was entering Halhoul. The other vehicles followed and they found themselves in the heart of the PA (Palestinian Authority) area.

Fisher told Kikar Shabbat that “we felt that we were hanging between life and death. The zchus of ‘Tikun Klali’ saved us!”

B’chasdei Hashem there were no reports of injuries despite the significant damage to a number of vehicles.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Lets have police security in these areas.
    Also only drivers who are knowledgeable of these roads should be driving….mistakes and wrong turns are deadly.

  2. Number 3 is a purely racist comment and deserves to be removed as incitement. Gevalt. How selfish and stupid some people are to write this way. And when the Arabs portray Jews as bloodthirsty conquerors, guys like #3 will whine “anti-semite!”…….Olem Golem.

  3. The Torah HaKedosha told us thousands of years ago, and it is every bit as true today…

    The yishmaelim are PEREH/adam.

    Anyone who thinks you can sit down and make agreements, compromises, deals, or treaties, with a wild, vicious animal is…


  4. #4 Nicejew…

    Well, I guess the Torah is racist then since IT calls the yishmaelim PEREH/adam (beast/people).

    What P.C. term would YOU call people who can slit the throat of a little baby (today is the 1st yahrtzeit of the Fogels Hy”d), or see a baby in the crosshairs of a rifle scope and pull the trigger? Perhaps ‘neshamadically challenged’? – i.e. NO neshama!

  5. When you antagonize a wild dog who’s far bigger than you, you can’t expect that to go well. A Shor Muad is still neutralized, but that doesn’t make it wise to get in the way of one of those.

    All your rantings about Pereh Adam only prove the point that the gedolim made, and which the Zionists didn’t and still couldn’t care less about, which is to NOT subjugate the Arabs and to NOT create the Eigel HaZahav that they did.

    Thanks to the Zionists, going back to even before 1948, we have seen such terrible examples of what a Pereh Adam that Yishmael is. It does NOT excuse the savages, but it does illustrate the damage the Zionists have caused by provoking these beasts.

    And to directly address #3’s “point”, for many centuries the two did co-exist, in various Arab countries. It was not a paradise, and the level of coexistence varied depending on the particular country, but it was co-existence, not unceasing war like it has been since 1948.

    For example, many Teimanim HAD their mesorah intact in the Arab country in which they lived, Yemen, from Bayis RISHON until they came to the shores of Eretz HaKodesh and the Zionists INTENTIONALLY AND MALICIOUSLY stripped them of their glorious mesorah and Yahadus to convert them into post-Jewish Zionists CH”V.

  6. HaKatan…

    We “antagonize” goyim all over the world by our very existance.
    Perhaps (despite YOUR antagonism toward Zionists) you might agree with Herzl’s original idea to solve anti-Semitism, which was for all Jews to convert to xtianity! Here’s a big newsflash…
    They will always hate us and want us dead WHEREever we are, Zionist or anti-Zionist, frum or anti-frum, in Israel or in chutz la’Aretz.
    (I’m sure you know how nicely our yishmaeli cousins “co-existed” -20 years BEFORE the ‘medina’- with the non-Zionist frum population of Chevron on that day in 1929 when they took our brothers and sisters -many of whom were sitting and learning Torah at the time – and butchered them in the style for which yishmaelim are still well known.)
    History has proven that we Yidden will not be loved (or even ‘tolerated’) one bit more if we dress chareidi or dress frei, if we stay out of Israel than if we settle in it.

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