Ezras Noshim: Jewish Women In Brooklyn Launch All-Women Ambulance Service For Expecting Moms

The following is a NY Daily News report:

The all-male Hatzolah EMT crew snubbed them – so a group of Brooklyn Jewish women are starting their own ladies-only ambulance service.

Borough Park lawyer Rachel Freier, 46, held the first recruitment drive Sunday for Ezras Nashim – Hebrew for “assisting women” – in her dining room.

She signed up 50 members from across the borough.

“If women are having an emergency, they should have the option of calling a woman,” Freier said.

Ezras Nashim will focus on helping mothers in labor. Their goal is to train 50 EMTs and birthing assistants by the planned September launch.

“This is not a new idea,” said new Ezras member Hadassah Strauss, 26. “Women have been delivering babies for thousands of years.”

Hatzolah leaders shot down Freier’s request last fall to let women into its 1,300 all-male corps, the city’s largest volunteer ambulance crew, which answers more than 50,000 calls a year.

Hatzolah also questioned whether giving patients the option to choose a female medic would increase its average response time of about three minutes – considerably lower than the FDNY EMS average response time of eight minutes in 2011.

But there’s no hard feelings. “I wish them good luck,” said Hatzolah president Heshy Jacobs.

Women have complained that having their local Hatzolah respond when they are in labor is awkward since they may see those same men in synagogue and in the grocery store.

Ezras Nashim plans to survive on donations and is asking new recruits to pay for their own $1,000 training. Freier is also in talks with a private ambulance company to rush patients to the hospital, so the group won’t have to go through a costly state certification for emergency medical transportation.

Borough Park and Flatbush have the city’s highest concentrations of babies – predominantly born to Jewish women – according to the latest U.S. Census statistics.

(Source: NY Daily News)

28 Responses

  1. History shows that one compotioning a organazation does not sucseed!!! even if both are chesed & free! besides 2 chesed shel emes & misaskim,,,,,,,,,

  2. As a veteran Hatzalah member, I simply say:

    Firstly, the “chilul” you created by having this absurdity appear in the local SECULAR newspaper(s) for self-promotion, is indescribable.

    Next, you are challenging “daas torah” and are playing with fire – both in this world and the world to come.

    If “chas veshalom” (let me say no more).

    “Hash-m yishmor”.

  3. ‘women have complained that having their local hatzala guys when in labor is awkward sinsce they find them in the synagog & grocery’ and what about the female “delivery girl”? dont u find her ever??

  4. Women should make this a tznius issue, like going to women doctors or drivers; since now it’s a big ego thing for the men. So who is going to stay home with the kids when wife goes out on a call; husband will need to stay attached to wife via radio when he is in shul or at a shiur and on shabbos. Since most money is eventually controlled by women, funding should not be an issue.

  5. I must say, this story sure put a smile on my face, and for so many (philosophical) reasons…

    Hashams creatures, especially the human mammal organism, calls for one saying “How amazing and ingenious is Hashams creation”. Watching humans never ceases to amaze and fascinate me (yes, more than watching the chimpanzees in the zoo).

  6. I am still shaking my head in sorrow at this unnecessary waste of community spirit, resources and support. It can only divide & put everyone at risk.

    #9 (a Jew) – Oh, boy. How do you know what these organizations do? When was the last time YOU performed a Tahara or Kevurah? If you think they are so bad, VOLUNTEER (i.e do not get paid!) & do what these tzadikim do, even once. I’ve been performing Taharas R”L for many years. You have no idea…

    #12 I’m glad you’re amused 🙂 It’s good that even in the face of stupidity we have people who can find humor & balance! Without people like you we’d ALL be miserable! Thanks for lightening things up a bit.

    I pray we are all well, healthy, & never have need of any emergency services.

  7. You should have found a frum source which would discuss such matters as who their rabbinical advisors (posekim) are. Given that are colleagues in Eretz Yisrael are making an issue over separate seating on public transit, it seems logical to have separate ambulance services, at least in places such as Brooklyn where there is enough demand.

    Look at this globablly, it is actually very common for women to object to male medical personnel poking around their bodies, and its surprising that the frum community hasn’t made a priority at getting an adequate supply of female health care professionals and supporting staff.

  8. # 6

    If you are a veteran Hatzolah member, then you would know that yes this was discussd with rabbonim. What would have been nice was to make them members for just this purpose (no other type of call) and Hatzolah should transport……

  9. When Rachel Freier went around to the media promoting this campaign of hers, the journalist asked her who her rabbinical backing was. She adamently refused to say which rabbis back this (although she claims there is a couple of rabbis somewhere that agree with this.)

  10. Does a volunteer ambulance group need Rabbinical backing and support? Exactly what halachos are being violated when a woman in labor calls upon a female to come assist? Does a woman need rabbinical backing in order to call another woman when she needs help baking kokosh cake?

    How many men reading this will feel comfortable having a colonoscopy performed by the wife of the guy sitting across from them in shul.

    Whether or not this group succeeds is solely dependent on how supportive the community is. If the community feels it is necessary, they will support this group, if not, they wont and it will fold up. Time will tell.

  11. The below are excerpts from another news site to the story written after chanulah. so yes there are rabbonim backing, its just the hatzalah members that are protecting their turf….

    in a meeting that took place just prior to Chanukah, four women representing Ezras Nashim explained the need for women EMTs to be called in childbirth situations to noted Brooklyn Halachic authority Rabbi Yechezkel Roth, the Karlsburg Rov.

    Several prominent rabbonim and numerous others were present at the meeting which took place at the Karlsburg Shul on 53rd Street in Borough Park…….

  12. I don’t think it has anything to do with Halachic violations. I think it’s more to do with women thinking they have to do everything, lest chas v’sholom they aren’t considered to be as capable as men or G-d forbid they don’t have rights/are disrespected.

    When are women going to learn? We don’t have to do everything. Why do women always need to prove themselves? Ruchie Freier has a great, accomplished life, but clearly it’s not enough. How sad.

  13. This whole thing is foolishness! Hatzolah isn’t called for midwife services. When they are called for a woman in labor its because its an emergency and something is wrong. At a time of emergency people aren’t thinking weather the EMT helping them will see them in the supermarket.

  14. I’ve got a novel idea: How about don’t wait until the last second when you need to call an ambulance.

    You know what the rest of America does? They drive themselves to the hospital!

    New yorkers are such babies. They get a broken arm, they call an ambulance. How about calling a taxi? (BTW: You don’t get faster treatment by coming in an ambulance. You wait just as long, except you might be strapped to some sort of backboard or immobilizing thing.)

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