MKs Ben-Ari & Katz Happy To Wish Justice Beinish Farewell

MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Dr. Michael Ben-Ari was pleased to bid High Court of Justice President Dorit Beinish farewell, releasing a statement to the media that “She destroyed the public’s trust in the High Court and judicial system. Under her rule, the court became the judicial system of Balad (referring to an Arab political party).

“She headed a high court that was racist and discriminatory against Jews, supporting illegal construction in the Arab sector but when Jews built a sukka outpost Beinish got up in the middle of the night in her pajamas to have it immediately destroyed.

“We will not forget or forgive (slogan from 2005 government expulsion from Gush Katif) the abuse the court showed opponents of the expulsion from Gush Katif. Amazingly, the very same justices that release rapists, drug dealers and Arab rioters from jail in rulings their detention was an exception to an exception, boys and girls objecting the expulsion were thrown into jails for extended periods of time, people without any criminal past, just because they opposed the expulsion”.

He added “Beinish became confused, believing she was appointed to head the state, acting as if the Knesset and the government are toys at the court’s disposal”. He expressed his hope that the “court will now stand for justice and equality for all in a democratic society, for members of the political left and right alike, settlers and Arabs alike”.

Party colleague MK Yaakov Katz joined in, expressing his delight with Beinish’s departure. “Yiddishkheit teaches us that as we are required to bless the bad, we are equally required to bless the good”. Katz spoke of how Beinish waged a war against holy values including Yehuda and Shomron. He accused her of appointing herself as the person running the nation, her eliminating important laws, and simply “taking the law into her own hands”. Katz stated the court does not have the right to cancel laws passed by Knesset, the elected body of the citizens of Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Good bye to bad rubbish. A judical pervert who brought her personal agenda to a place where justice is supposed to be fair and impartial. She will be remembered for perverting justice.
    Now she will enter politics where she belongs. May she meet the same shame and fate as Yossi Sarid, Shulamit Balooney, and Meretz.

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