PHOTO: A Segula for a Long Life

If one were to ask Zaka volunteer Avigdor Stern what one does for a segula for a long life, he will simply show the photo of him lying down in an open gave. On Sunday, 3 Adar 5772, after the body of a Jew interred in a mixed Jewish/Christian (Link to article “Jewish Body Exhumed from Nazareth Non-Jewish Cemetery) cemetery in Eretz Yisrael was exhumed for kvura in a Jewish cemetery; Stern took advantage of the moment and laid down in the open kever. The photo made its way around Facebook and when he was asked just what prompted him to do this; he explained it is a segula for long life.

Stern told Chadrei Chareidim “It is known that if one is ‘niftar while still alive he is promised arichas yomim’. He explained that he heard a rav say that laying down in a kever is a segula towards achieving this longevity.

He added that during his work with Zaka he has seen many painful and disturbing scenes, adding for him, “Death does not scare me”.

“I hope that just like I got up and walked out of the kever in a matter of second, so it will be — that all the departed with merit getting up with Techiyas HaMeisim”.

Click on image to ENLARGE

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Would lying down in a grave in a mixed non-jewish and jewish cemetary count for this inyan???
    Wait, this is some sort of Adar pre-Purim shtich right?

  2. What is the source of this as a segula for long life?

    I hope it is, for his sake.

    I would have been choshaid that it is an ayin hara?

  3. I checked with a friend who has worked with the cheverah kashish for over 33 years and whose father, z’tl, who worked with the CK in the alte heim. He has never heard of such a segulah and suspects, exactly the opposite is true which doesn’t bode well for this guy Stern. Of all the nutty segulos we read and hear on this pages, this one truly rises above the others in its fundamental lack of any roots in daas torah.

  4. “It is known that if one is ‘niftar while still alive he is promised arichas yomim’. He explained that he heard a rav say that laying down in a kever is a segula towards achieving this longevity.”
    Where is exactly is the “known” from and who is this “rav”??
    A segula with out a source is worthless.

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