Female Who Became Entangled in Islam Returns Home

A Jewish female who became entangled in a life with an Islamic man Baruch Hashem returned home last week after a number of years as a result of the involvement of Lahava shluchim.

Organization officials report on the difficult life the woman endure, married to an Arab male, a criminal, who abused here after they moved into his community. At the age of 16 she met the man, who began showering her with gifts. By the age of 18, she converted to Islam R”L, and married the criminal drug addict.

She was imprisoned in an apartment in the Tel Aviv area, suffering mental, physical and verbal abuse, and at times, was also deprived of food. At times, she was permitted to leave the home on condition she engaged in horrible types of behavior to earn him money, ultimately sinking to the depths of despair and a life that was a far cry from her Jewish upbringing.

Recently, she contacted Lahava seeking assistance, asking to be extricated from her life of bondage. A plan was devised and she agreed to cooperate, to flee towards earning her freedom and her return to her people.

Last week, after being set free, she appeared before a beis din where she expressed profound remorse and accepted Torah and Mitzvos. She toiveled in a mikve and remains in touch with Lahava shluchim who are guiding her back to a Jewish life.

YWN-ISRAEL recently reported that HaGaon HaRav Tzefanya Drori Shlita expressed his awareness of the growing problem of Jewish women being pulled in by Arab men in Eretz Yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. What was she doing hanging out with drug addicts and criminals? I seriously doubt she was “grabbed” on the way home from a Beis Yaakov.

    And does anyone think to rescue Jewish women (or Jewish men) who are drawn into a life of drugs and crime and [deleted, for obvious reasons].

    The racial fixation of the article misses the point that the secular paradise has a real dark side, even for hilonim.

  2. “At times, she was permitted to leave the home on condition she engaged in horrible types of behavior to earn him money, ultimately sinking to the depths of despair and a life that was a far cry from her Jewish upbringing”

    I would say running off and marrying an arab is also a far cry from her Jewish upbringing. Yes she is a victim but please don’t paint a picture of a tzadekes who was taken against her will and forced into this life. Yes he showered her with gifts when she was 16, that could happen in NY to a beis Yaakov girl walking down the street meeting a Goy.

    Welcome Home indeed this is a wonderful ending but a very biased article.

  3. Maybe akuperma should say something more menschlich and nice for a change. She did what she did. If Hashem is willing to take her back, who is akuperma to raise objections?

  4. barlev (#1), the woman in the article is not the standard baalas tshuva. She was a mushumedes. She converted to islam. As you see, she has to publicly mekabel the yoke of mitzvos Hashem.

  5. Akuperma,
    I am frankly astounded and flabbergasted at your lack of understanding and sensetivity to the horrific and dangerous situation being discussed.
    I read you other comment on the link provided on this page, and I was so sickened I wanted to throw up.
    Do you not understand the terrible gravity of the situation??? How can you compare jewish girls marrying ARABS and being horrifically abused by them, to people becoming drug addicts- who always have a chance of returning. Once these girls are stuck, they are often taken far,far away with little or no possibility of escape. How DARE you call the precarious situation exagerrated or unrealistic? Just that comment shows that you are completely unfamiliar of the staggering amount of cases these incredible organizations deal with every day. So maybe you should know a little bit more about a subject before posting about it.
    As for writing that you dont believe they are grabbed on the way home from school, and its their fault that they wanted to get in to this, do you really think that majority of these girls walk over to an arab and ask to marry???
    The arabs set up traps for these girls- (buy them gifts, be honey sweet etc). untill the girl falls in to the trap!!! I hate to break it to you but the poor girls stuck in such a horrific situation were just simply lost and naiive and victims of the sly arabs.
    Ill end here.

  6. Since when is Islam considered paganism that she should be considered a meshumedes and need to toivel and make all those protestations?

  7. Ok- I made it sound like the girls were completely faultless. What I meant to say was that although they might have made bad decisions, there were other factors involved in to how they got in to this mess, and SOME of them was that they were manipulated.

  8. This is a serious and insidious problem affecting girls from all spectrums of Yiddishkeit.
    On a recent trip to Israel, we meet with young girls (some from Kiryat Sefer, Betar and Nvei Yakov) some from frum families that were living married to Arabs and finally brought back home. Their tales of woe were horrible and one left 3 children back in the village while two others escaped with babies. Horrible….

  9. #8- the girl married a criminal and a druggie who happened to be an Arab

    And this being held against will is absurd – all she had to do is find a policeman (there are plenty) and slap him – she would be arrested, taken to the station and explain she had been kidnapped.

    She is now a B.T. which is good. But this racist nonsense of evil Arabs grabbing frum girls is absurd.

  10. I agree with akuperma. Sure, these women need to be welcomed back and supported and helped.

    But don’t pretend they are all innocent. They themselves made a choice out of their own free will to get involved with these people and then to live with them and marry them. One who makes stupid decisions can suffer consequences.

    This really doesn’t happen by accident. A (frum) Jewish girl is not going to ‘accidentally’ get involved with an Arab and then MOVE IN WITH HIM and MARRY HIM and CONVERT TO ISLAM. Those are not things one does accidentally or without thinking. Those are conscious decisions one makes, and if one makes those decisions without considering the consequences then one has a mental problem.

    As akuperma says: “But this racist nonsense of evil Arabs grabbing frum girls is absurd.”

  11. akuperma: you obviously live in the USA and have no idea about common Arab set-up. “all she had to do is find a policeman (there are plenty) ” is laughable.

    They *are* held against their will. Locked up or tied up in Arab villages far far far away from any Israeli policeman. Beaten and abused. During the day, she cannot escape. At night, Arab women are not permitted outdoors without an escort. If she would escape, she would be noticed.

    It unfortunately happens. The frum girls are often girls with some difficult or problematic background. Girl meets Arab who gives her time, presents, sweet talk and caring. Things she may be sorely lacking from another source. After a year or two she is convinced he cares for her and runs off with him. Once he has her, the treatment changes drastically.

  12. Akuperma – you keep making the same ridiculous comment about slapping a policeman on every article that has to do with these topics. I simply ignored it because I thought that everyone else realized you stupid you sounded and how far you are from the truth. But now that someone actually agreed with you I feel compelled to fill you in

    First of all, in cases where women are trapped by arab husbands, when they are first captured they are locked in their homes and unable to leave. They are literally locked in 24/7 with no phone or other communication with the outside world. They are told that if they try to escape they will be killed. It is virtually impossible to escape from an Arab village without outside help because even if she could escape the locked house, there are nopolice or Jews anywhere, only Arabs who will recapture her. During this time she is locked up she is subjected to constant beatings etc. The husbands often hand over the keys to the house to other Arabs in exchange for money, so those men can come and use her for their purposes.
    Once the women have children, they are allowed out of the house, but never with their children. The children are the bargaining chip. They are told that if they try to run away or contact the police they will be killed. This is why the vast majority of women who do make it to the Yad L’achim safehouses only make it out after a few years and only without their children.

    I hope this clears up your misconceptions about the women’s ability to leave.
    With regard to your statements that these women are all secular and marrying criminals etc it should be noted that many of these girls are not even aware that they are marrying arabs and certainly not sware of their husbands true nature. Many of these men will wear yarmulkes, and even make brachos over food in order to convince the girls that they are Jewish! Also, keep in mind that these girls are usually quite young (15-18 years old) – imagine a girl who is basically a good girl but is going through a tough time (sickness, in the family, financal trouble in the family, trouble making friends etc). one night she comes to a local pizza shop/bagel store/makolet. The boy behind the counter is friendly to her, offers her a free slice of pizza etc. Soon she starts talking to him etc. I understand that we would expect a good bais yaakov girl to ignore him but not every 15 year old girl is perfect. Then one day he gets her into his car and tells her his name isn’t really Dovid, it’s Ahmed and he drives her back to his village and forced her into a life of abuse, cruelty, and horrible aveiros as descibed in this article. Do you really believe that she deserves this?
    How can you not have compassion on such a person living their life in captivity every day having to choose between seeing her children again and gaining her own freedom? And if this was happening in Brooklyn can you imagine what kind of uproar there would be (even if they only captured girls off the derech etc).
    All this information is verifiable. Just call Yad L’achim and see for yourself. and until then, please stop judging people until you at least know what you are talking about
    a highly disturbed yid

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