Another Israeli Motorist Carjacked

Yet another Israeli driver was targeted by Arab carjackers, this time near Anatot; on the road between Pisgat Ze’ev and Mishur Adumim. The latest attack occurred on Sunday, 3 Adar 5772.

An Arab motorist intentionally hit a car driven by a Jewish female. When she got out of the vehicle to assess the damage a second male got into her car and drove off. She told police that among the valuables in the vehicle was her pistol and ammunition along with other unspecified valuables.

There has been an alarming increase in carjackings in Yehuda and Shomron over recent months. Recently there were several, one near Kedumim on February 17th, another in the same area on February 14th, and two in November 2011. This is a partial listing.

Gershon Mesika, who heads the Shomron Regional Council, has turned to IDF and police commanders calling for additional action to prevent such incidents.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. If Mr. Mesika really wants to prevent such incidents, he will tell females in his community to heed the gedolim who ruled that females should not drive.

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