MI KIAMCHA YISROEL: Thousands Attend First Ever Parnassah Expo

Lakewood, NJ – What was expected to be a turnout of a few hundred turned out to be an event like never before. Thousands from around the Tri-State area gathered at the Bais Yaakov Hall in Lakewood for the event, which resulted in dozens of confirmed jobs already.

“This was unbelievable”, says Duvi Honig, the founder of the event. “They printed 1,500 booklets which were gone within the first hour”, Duvi says.

Vendors and guests came from places such as Williamsburg, Monsey, Boro Park and even as far as Denver, Colorado and Florida.

Attorney Abe Penzer, one of the key coordinators and behind-the-scenes Askanonim of the event, had nothing but praise for the historic event.

“We’ve exceeded all our expectations”, Attorney Abe Penzer – who himself confimred jobs for 24 guests at the event. “We never expected this.” Hakodosh Baruch was Mezakeh us with a Mitzvah”, Penzer says.

Employers too were overwhelmed with the success of the event.

Despite having LCSW controlling traffic at the building, James Street backed up till about the intersection of Sunset and James, prompting the police to respond and direct the thousands of cars.

Coordinators expect the event to take place at a much larger hall.


6 Responses

  1. Anything that encourages frum young men and women to find a job and earn a parnassah is wonderful. At a time when too many in the frum community still cling to a lifestyle of foregoing secular education and job skills and depending on others to support them, its a real acomplishment to get so many in the tzibur from all over the region to show up for this event. May they have much hatzlacha in their future efforts.

  2. Although I thought it was an interesting headline, this expo was trully amazing. People going out of the way to help others on a grand scale! Btw, the costs to produce this expo wasn’t covered by the booths and they are seeking donations to cover the costs. Anyone who would like to join in this tremendous Mitzva are asked to help.

  3. This is nothing to say hallel over. Some people have heters to go to work — very well. Others will be tempted to leave kollel just to line their pockets and let their FILS off the hook, from which all of us will lose in shomayim.

  4. To#3
    And to think that I have been working my whole life without a heter. OY vey! How do I do teshuva?
    What else does one need a “heter” for?

  5. No 3 says that “others will be tempted to leave kollel just to line their pockets”.

    If someone decides they need to earn a parnassah to support their families its a win/win situation for them and for klal yisroel. The existing model is not viable with so many dependent on a shrinking pool of money to support them. Everyone wins if they can work part time and no longer have to beg for tzadakah. There are plenty of hours during the week for them to learn and balance their job requirments.

  6. To #4: a heter is needed because modern jobs expose us to treif surroundings and hashkafic problems, not to mention costing dearly in learning time. To #5: we cannot just “decide” that we need to earn a parnassah. It isn’t about us, Am Yisroel and the whole world depend on learning. When disaster strikes any Jew r”l, how can a former avreich look in the mirror he if left kollel to improve his income without consulting Torah first?

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