McCain Slams Obama; Says ‘Netanyahu Has Reason To Be Upset

Sen. John McCain on Sunday lashed out at the Obama administration’s handling of tensions between Israel and Iran.

He asserted on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the administration leaked to the media the reason for the U.S. national security adviser’s trip to Israel — to try to persuade the country not to attack Iran.

McCain said the leak weakened Israel’s standing in the faceoff, rightly angered Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and strained US-Israel relations.

“The prime minister has every reason to be upset,” McCain said. “I can understand why relations are in very bad shape right now.”

(Source: Politico)

2 Responses

  1. You can count on Obama stabbing Israel in the back, in the front, whereever he can reach. I wish Obama could also count on the American Jews NOT providing him with even a penny towards his re-election, votes, or advice.

  2. If this is how Obama acts now when he needs the jewish wallet and votes can you imagine if C”V he wins again what his second term will be like as a lame duck?

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