Israeli Singer Shlomo Artzi Charges Spiritual Batteries in Tzfat

Popular Israel singer Shlomo Artzi was vacationing in Tzfat. On erev Shabbos, 2 Rosh Chodesh Adar 5772, Artzi heard singing coming from the city’s hesder yeshiva and he decided to enter to see what was going on. The tzibur was reciting Hallel with musical accompaniment.

What began as a 2-minute visit for Artzi turned into quite a different reality, and he agreed to put on a yarmulke and remained for two hours. After davening the city’s chief Sephardi rav, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu gave a shiur, which Artzi participated in. He was given a prominent spot aside the rav. “With such light why don’t you go and build the Beis HaMikdosh” he asked.

On Shabbos, Artzi continued the experience and davened in the Abuav Shul in the Holy City.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. 9nce more, instead of “What began as a 2-minute visit for Artzi turned into quite a different reality…”

    Try: “turned into something quite different.”

  2. Wonderful story. Do many shuls in EY povide musical accompaniment for davening on a weekday rosh chodesh? I don’t see much of that here in the U.S. (except in some conservative/reform shuls).

  3. “Gadol” – apparently you only see what you want to see. Reb Shlomo Carlebach left a tremendous legacy, & among the many things he left us, was Tefilla with musical accompaniment. Many places in Israel do this, some like Kol Rina in Yerushalayim every month for Rosh Chodesh; others for Chol HaMoed & other events. And if you look on YouTube you’ll find it in Crown Heights, Boro Park & even in Williamsburg too!

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