Mazel Tov! Vaad Hatzniyus Member Weissfish Learns of Baby Daughter in Jail

Eida Chareidis Vaad Tznius member Shmuel Weissfish headed to prison almost two months ago after being convicted of illegal activities, including acts of violence against a local business operating in the Meah Shearim area, a business which he found objectionable because as he explained, it compromised the community’s tznius standards.

On Friday night Parshas Truma his wife gave birth to a baby girl in a Jerusalem Hospital, Baruch Hashem. Shmuel was notified of the good news on motzei Shabbos by phone.

The family also recently celebrated a marriage and sheva brachos, which Shmuel was not permitted to attend. His request for a leave was denied by prison officials.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. He deserves to stay in prison through everything. Mazel tov on the birth but i feel bad for her…

    I am just sorry the sentence is way too short for such a person.

  2. Even though I go to your website to learn about the news in my community, I am now clear that it is a mistake!! You are despicable reshaim!!! Spreading loshon hora and maligning Yidden! You reshaim liberals!

  3. Listen sometimes a person thinks he is a tzadik but in reality is a mazik. This person has repeatedly attacked people who HE believed were not meeting his standard of tznius. HIS standard? What happened to shulchan aruch?

    These type of nuts do much harm. They should be treated as nuts. This guy is worse; he does physical harm and should be locked up and deprived of every opportunity to be with society until he does tshuva, but real tshuva – meaning never attack people again.

  4. The fact alone that you post my comment shows how much you care… its all about $$ what could bring more traffic to your web portal… Shame!

  5. Mazel tov! Thanks YWN for posting this exciting news, about a choshuva yungerman that was a victim of secular hate, and is still subject to hate by some frum hating posters here, may all reshaim that framed him and threw him into prison have a mapala very soon, like haman harasha.

  6. Oh u don’t no what goes on in gioola I live here he had no right to do that the stores that he did it to had nothing to do with it he was just being crazy

  7. Let it be known that there are still some decent Yiddin out there who are strongly against the way this story was published!

  8. Perhaps someone could explain in what way the book shop “compromised the community’s tznius standards”. I don’t believe it did any such thing.

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