Qatar Hosts ‘Save Jerusalem’ Conference

A Jerusalem Conference is being hosted in Qatar, attended by parliamentarians from 70 nations including representatives from Hamas (Gaza), Iran, and Islamic nations.

The prince of Qatar, who addressed the opening of the event, explained “Without Jerusalem there cannot be peace”. He called upon the Arab League to turn to the United Nations Security Council to establish a committee that will probe Israeli crimes in Jerusalem.

Also taking part in the conference are Israeli Arab MKs, such as Dr. Ahmed Tibi and Talab Al-Sana.

In his address to the forum, MK Tibi accused Israel or preventing Arabs from practicing religious freedom and cited they are oppressed under Israeli rule.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. In his address to the forum, MK Tibi accused Israel or preventing Arabs from practicing religious freedom and cited they are oppressed under Israeli rule.

    So who can’t pray on the Temple Mount? That’s right, G-ds chosen people, the Jews. And they don’t have freedom?

  2. Read bibi’s book ‘a place among the nation’s’. Published in 1993 by bantom books, he explains all the arab claims with erie accuracy

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