Rav Sternbuch Shlita on Hidabrut Organization

Ravaad Eida Chareidis HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita has come out in strongly against the ‘Hidabrut’ organization.

Pashkavilim have been circulated in the rav’s name expressing his strong opposition to the organization, specifically addressing the ‘Hatzalat Bayit Yehudi’ (Save the Jewish Home) conference hosted by the organization last month.

The rav questions “how have we permitted ourselves to deteriorate to the current situation in which bochrim with beards and peyos who dress chareidi are serving in Israel Police together with female soldiers prutzos, since klal yisrael over the generations have set boundaries in place regarding immorality (Araiyos), and one must question how we reached this level today?”

The Ravaad responds, explaining “the Hidabrut organization, whose leaders claim their television program is successful in kiruv, returning distanced Yidden to the fold, but more than this success they are destroying us”.

The rav accuses Hidabrut with presenting “two streams”, as if such an entity exists, citing the Holy Torah is the only way and ‘two streams which can be bridged’ is simply a fallacy and unacceptable. Without the Torah HaKadosha, there can be no other way” exclaims Rav Sternbuch.

“I heard of late that when a vehicle drives on the Holy Shabbos in Bnei Brak and one of the Yirei Shomayim shouts “Shabbes, one of the Hidabrut folks tells him the shouts are a Chilul Hashem, and they must act to positively impact the driver, to engage in ‘Hidabrut’, dialogue towards learning to live alongside one another in peace and harmony and so forth”.

Kikar Shabbat adds that in recent months, some of the Hidabrut shluchim who came collecting funds in the Meah Shearim area were assaulted when they entered a shul by members of the group known as sikrikim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. Does he feel it needs to be shut down no questions asked or does he acknowledge that they have done some good as well just that it needs some tweaking? Did he do his due diligence? To condemn is easy.

  2. One thing is curtain that the way the Eidah with their leaders conduct not one jewish souls was ever returned to Yiddeshkiet so I will just leave it at that.

  3. hidabrut realizes the realities of today and deals with todays jews…with all due to respect to senior rabanim they are often not in touch and dont understand todays youth… hidabrut does amazing work..
    PS… another important thing is that alot of the senior rabonim are fed incorrect information….

  4. I dont know. Its easy to point out the perutsah hiloni soldiers. I think the religious pritsut in Har Nof is worse inscale of damage, and needs to be adressed first.
    The ffb world,intrigues us baalei teshuvas and gerim.
    Why are you looking at those hilunim!!?? Have the ffbs looked ath themselves?
    Have you seen the modesty issues in the yeshivish world???? IN the hassidish world???
    We would feel, that you are ignoring your own, and creating a decoy to your own problems you arent interested in tackling, by focusing on others.
    Work on your own camp ffbs!
    The ammount of pritsut walking past Rav Sturnbuchs shul is the religious pritsut!

  5. Hidabroot has the haskamos of HaRass Eliyashev, Wosner, Kanievsky , Yosef, and so on. I would like to hear what HaRav Sternbuch has to say firsthand.

  6. Funny how the Eidah always finds the ability to be “mocheh” against moderates yet it can NEVER bring itself to be “mocheh” against the extremist Kanoyim in its midst.

  7. “There is only one stream” of true Judaism.

    This is a utter fallacy. They have always been various approaches to Avodas Hashem many which are diametrically opposed to each other.

    Chasidim and Misnagdim, Torah Im Derech Eretz and Torah Only, Mizrachi and Old Yishuv are just a few examples.

  8. Chazal say that there are “shivim panim laTorah”. Does the Eida not recognize the other 69?

    I’m assuming, of course, that their Derech is, in fact, one of the 70.

    an Israeli Yid

  9. The Rav’s comments seem totally inappropriate. The Hidabrut organization has support from many of the most chashuve rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel and does outstanding work. For a Rav or ANYONE for that matter at this point in time to refer to the brave young women of the IDF as “prutzos” itself shows a lack of midos and derech eretz. We can express disagreement with an organization and how it pursues its worthy objectives, but there is no need to resort to namecalling and insults. This kind of sinas chinam does nothing to bring us closer to z’man moisiach.

  10. Ironic how Hadolhatorah attacks a Gadol Batorah. You can say, “I hold with the other rabbonim who disagree with Rav Shternbuch. But how do you live with yourself after publicly saying that he lacks midos and derech eretz? The irony escapes you?

  11. To No. 12.

    The comment had nothing to do with “disagreement” with other rabbonim. Read the article. There is no reason for any Rav, whatever his holding on the Hidabrut efforts related to Kiruv to denigrate the women of the IDF and refer to them as “prutzos”. If this is anyone’s idea of good midos and derech eretz, you subscribe to a hashkafoh that is alien to any notion of Yiddiskeit. One could have said he disagrees with Hidabrut’s strategy without such inappropriate language. I find no “irony” in this view.

  12. Well, i must say that i agree with OlLeOlam- i know R’moshe swell and although i totally disagree with this particular opinion-relying upon many other Gedolim- it is still appropriate to address him with derech eretz.

  13. Though I am not stating my personal opinion on the issue itself, let us have some common decency. With most things in the Eidah, their press is poor because they are against having a PR department, but let’s not forgot they are also a part of Klal Yisrael and their leaders are also leaders of the Torah world. The whole kiruv discussion is a disagreement amongst different Gedolim. It is quite complex and should not be overly simplified by one’s “side.” As the Kotzker Rebbe once put, one uses a broom to clean up the house, but the broom ends up being the dirties thing in the house. So to with Kiruv, one has to be careful to draw lines and seek advice from Daas Torah or else the one who does the Kiruv needs it himself. Daas Torah though is not one shitah like with any other type of halachic disagreement. A Gadol openly disagreeing is not undoing a derech of the Torah, rather affirming its own derech. Again, its not a matter of agreement or which Gadol is right. It is a matter common decency. As mentioned, the irony of people’s tones is unfortunate.


  14. well al i know is the telemarketing i get almost every week stating from hrh”g r’ chaim kanyevsky tthat whoever supports hidobrut will have good kids (if i remember correctly,,,,,,)

  15. The Raavad shlita has a long history of kiruv work dating back to his time in South Africa – he knows what he is talking about

  16. Did anyone hear the Rav say what is claimed in his name? This report is based on pashkevilim, hardly a reliable source of anything except for the opinion of the one behind the poster.I don’t believe for a second the Rav said what is claimed in his name.

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