High Court’s Ruling on Tal Law Hits Hesder Too

While national focus surrounding the High Court of Justice ruling earlier in the week declaring the Tal Law illegal is on the chareidi tzibur, the court in its wisdom delivered a blow to two sectors, the chareidim and the dati leumi torani community as well. In essence, the Tal Law gives the legal framework for the thousands of hesder soldiers serving in the IDF and learning in hesder yeshivot. Therefore, outgoing court president, Justice Dorit Beinish has managed to end her career in a most fitting way, attacking torah on every level possible, in line with the rulings during her tenure on the bench.

Paragraph 9 of the Tal Law addresses the hesder framework, permitting them to learn and serve in the IDF, providing the legal framework for what today comprises the hesder yeshiva service, 60 months during which 18 months are dedicated to military service. The remainder is spent in beis medrash.

The founding fathers of the Tal Law, which was passed a decade ago, incorporated the legalities addressing hesder in the same law, so when the court declared Tal illegal, it wiped out the hesder yeshivot as well.

Speaking to Kol Chai Radio on Thursday afternoon, HaRav Elyakim Levanon Shlita, who is the chief rabbi of Shomron, mora d’asra of Elon Moreh and rosh yeshiva of the community’s hesder yeshiva, explained the nation is divided into sectors and without a doubt, the court’s decision targeted two sectors. He explained that if one wishes to implement change, the sides need to meet and reach agreement and this ruling simply represents the court’s “grating” on two of the sectors, or put colloquially, ‘being in their face’.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The eruv Rav (or worse amalek) strike again. Better that it is against both charedei and Dati leumi. We should unite and destroy the secular government

  2. Now, more then ever, we need the Torah to protect Am Yisrael. Pulling the avreuchim from learning Torah will be a disaster. As it is in their merit lives are being saved. One avreich equals 10 or more soldeirs. Their Torah learning is a shield to our soldiers. The miracles Hashem does for us is because of the Torah studies.

  3. This coming Thursday, Zayin Adar [hoRishon] is 17th Johrzeit of Moreinu hoRav Rov Chaim Yaakov Goldvicht ZTKLLH’H the founder & inventor of the Hesder movement.

    17 being Gematriyo of “Tov”, may he be a Good Meilitz Yosher on this his 17th Johrzeit to ensure the safe continuance of his successful Hesder program.

  4. Hesder was MO make-believe anyway. Now they will have to come off the fence and decide to join the Jewish people or r”l not.

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