IDF Chief: Everyone Must Serve

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz feels “everyone can and must serve”, giving his reaction to this week’s High Court of Justice decision declaring the Tal Law illegal.

When asked how the IDF will address accepting thousands of chareidi inductees, Ganz stated the military can and will address this appropriately.

While the commander of Israel’s armed forces is preparing for the influx of frum inductees, the feeling is that the law may change, it may carry a new name, but tens of thousands of avreichim are not about to line up at IDF induction centers around the country.

Most feel that if the issue was really pushed to the limit avreichim would fill the prisons before they report to induction centers.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Why fill up the prisons, have a criminal record, and create yet another chillul Hashem? We’ve had enough chillul Hashem in the past 3 years for tens of generations.

    Just move somewhere else.

    And please YWN, name the survey that “Most feel…”

  2. In a democracy everyone must serve, rebbenachman…no one group of people can shirk their communal obligations…especially in a country where heroic efforts will be made to accommodate the group so assiduously defending their “right” not to serve.

    This issue is a fulcrum in the divide between the frum and the frei in Eretz Yisroel…in the Medina…in Israel. Too many of you who are so vocal in your unveiled hostility towards the frei seem unable to see how all this looks to the parent who sends his or her child off to the Army…or to the reservist who has to serve well into middle age. The selfishness and the lack of empathy towards others, all conveniently wrapped up in holy words of Torah, is just stunning.

  3. “In a democracy everyone must serve.”

    Everyone DOES serve, for your information.

    Your view of “service” is too narrow, including only rhose who carry rifles, drive tanks, or fly airplanes.

    You completely overlook the importance of support people, including those who learn Torah and say Tehillim for the protection and success of Klal Yisroel.

    Every civilized country recognizes the importance of this, and provides exemptions for spiritual personnel.

  4. The Chareidi community in Eretz Israel is guilty of not explaining to the regular Israeli in a language he can understand the benefits that accrue to all of us when Yiden learn Toras Hashem. That’s why so many in Israel are hostile to the charedim.

  5. From the comments it appears that we are dealing with Americans here. Please do not be deceived; the IDF cannot nor is interested in the Charedim. It would mean overhauling much of the infrastructure in the army. And they really do not need them in any way. General Gantz in particular has made it clear that he will not move one iota in order to accommodate the Charedi soldier. But of course, they all must serve…
    There does exist an interest to point out that the Charedim ought to pull their weight and serve. It delegitimizes them, criminalizes them, and gives bargaining points against them.
    Please be advised.

  6. As #3.
    Moshe Dayan!remember him, patch on the eye who was no Rebbe said
    “bachur achod bayeshiva meigin al asarot chayalim bakrav”

  7. “The military can and will address this appropriately.””

    First we need to see that the IDF treats its current hesder and chareidi soldiers in a way that allows them to adhere to halachah. The events of the past few months or so have, unfortunately, not generated much confidence that the higher-ups in the IDF are interested in doing so.

  8. Deepthinker! You should think a bit deeper, till the they built the so called State of Israel, Jews were able to live there, and learn the Torah ‘without’ serving in the army, they robbed us from our rights!

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