Bloomberg Defends NYPD’s Surveillance Of Muslim Groups

Mayor Michael Bloomberg stood up for the NYPDtoday, saying surveillance of Muslim groups is a justifiable counterterrorism tactic.

There’s renewed controversy over the practice since it was reported over the weekend that the department monitored Muslim student groups at colleges, including the University of Buffalo, the University of Pennsylvania and Yale.
In one instance, the department reportedly sent an undercover agent on a whitewater rafting trip with some City College students.

Yale’s president issued a strong statement against the surveillance of its students, calling it antithetical to Yale’s values.

Addressing reporters in Brooklyn today, Bloomberg said the NYPD is only following leads like it is supposed to.

“The police department goes where there are allegations, and they look to see if they’re true. You have your job because of men and women giving their lives overseas. We go after the terrorists, and we’re going to continue to do that,” said Bloomberg.

The Association of Muslim American Lawyers has sent a letter to State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, urging him to investigate what it calls violations of Muslims’ civil rights by the NYPD.

(Source: NY1)

One Response

  1. Unbelievable.

    Our schnook mayor who sold his approval (to Dubai, for $200 million in business) for the 9/11 Jihadi memorial mosque next to Ground Zero, now has more guts than the FBI director.

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