Lakewood Askonim Begin Working With Mosdos On 2012 Primary Girl Registration Issues

Askonim involved in placing primary girls in schools for the upcoming school year have now begun accepting applications, TLS reports. In order to accommodate all Lakewood children into the Mosdos, the Askonim are requesting that all those who have girls entering Primary in September 2012 who have not yet been accepted to primary, to immediately notify them.

“All who have not yet been accpeted to any Mosad are strongly encouraged to fill out the form or reach out to the hotline by March 15″, one of the Askonim involved says.

You can either call 732-901-9981 and leave a message with your name, phone number, and the name of your child, or by emailing [email protected] and request a form.

(Source: TLS)

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