The Get Out of Jail Free Hunger Strike

Terrorists operating in Hamas-controlled Gaza and PA (Palestinian Authority) areas have learned that what they have been unable of accomplish with bombs and bullets can be accomplished by media pressure, and that is exactly what Islamic Jihad terrorist Kader Adnan has done.

Adnan, 33, has been on a hunger strike for 66 days, protesting his administrative detention by Israel. Administrative detention is when one is taken into custody and detained without being charged with a crime. Such a situation does not permit one to defend oneself since one is not charged with a crime. The administrative detention laws are remnants of the British Mandate era in Israel. A judge may order administrative detention for a maximum period of six months, but it may be renewed.

In accordance with Supreme Court rulings, one may be held under such an arrangement if one is deemed a ‘ticking time bomb’, that is to say there is credible intelligence community information compelling the incarceration of a terrorist involved in perpetrating an attack. Usually, as in this case, the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) will not reveal why the person is being held — hiding the information under the cloak of “state security”, which is generally accepted by the court, at least for a period of time.

Kader has played the media like a pro, and despite being a senior personality in an illegal organization, a terrorist entity called Islamic Jihad, the international media has been reporting on his plight, his weight loss, his harsh treatment by the Israelis, turning the arch terrorist into the underdog.

Kader, a resident of Jenin is in Tzfat’s Rebecca Ziff Hospital. His wife, wearing her traditional Islamic garb, gives interviews to the media with her face covered by the black veil, explaining her concerns for her husband’s health and his deteriorating situation. She explained how her husband has become “a symbol of the Palestinian people”, calling to pressure Israel to release him from jail.

UN Human Rights official Richard Falk did not disappoint, continuing with his anti-Israel policy statements, accusing Israel of ‘inhumane treatment”, echoed by the foreign press, some drawing a comparison to Irish Republican Army’s Bobby Sands.

Also joining in was the Physicians for Human Rights organization, which expressed delight over the fact that Kader’s hunger strike has brought the matter of administration detention to the public spotlight. The organization decried the situation which does not permit one to defend oneself. The organization’s Ron Cohen stated he is certain this case “will be recorded in the annals of history in connection with the Palestinian struggle, particularly relating to the struggle of Palestinian prisoners”.

Supporters marched with his picture outside a Red Cross office in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Israel has once again capitulated and Kader has become a media celebrity, leading the Ministry of Justice to announce it would release him from detention in two months, on April 17th, when the current administrative order expires. Officials stated they will not seek to renew it. Kader knows a victory when he sees it, announcing he will be ending his hunger strike.

State Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein stated if no new evidence is presented against Kader, his office will not object to his release in two months.

MK (Ta’al – Ra’am) Dr. Ahmed Tibi commented that if Kader would have died as a result of the hunger strike, a “fire would have been ignited throughout Yehuda and Shomron”.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman accused Tibi and his colleagues of representing of terror organizations by their actions.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Maybe Rubashkin should try it…in an American prison he would be forceably put on IV nourishment, but the publicity might be beneficial.

  2. Frankly, they should let him starve. They would save money on his food. I hope they manage to have an accident happen to him before he is released. They know he’s a ticking time bomb, and they should NOT release him onto an innocent public.

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