Fidler Releases Visionary Plan To Help Yeshiva Parents

NYC Councilman Lew Fidler released a comprehensive plan that would help yeshiva parents deal with the ever-growing cost of tuition. Dubbed “Fidler’s 5 Point Plan to help Yeshiva parents,” Fidler’s proposal for state relief calls for:

1.      Providing Tuition Tax Credits to reimburse parents up to $5,000 in tuition per yeshiva student.

2.      Providing State funding for security cameras around all yeshivas.

3.      Increasing funding for Priority 5 after-school vouchers so that all eligible children can receive them.

4.      Giving parents vouchers to choose their own transportation options to accommodate the hectic schedules of our community’s families.

5.      Forcing the State to reimburse private schools the $350 million already owed for mandated services—funds that would go directly to yeshivas and will ease the burden on tuition-paying parents.

“My plan is bold, yet doable,” said Councilman Fidler. “I firmly believe that every child has the right to a superb education in a safe and healthy environment. Our community’s yeshiva parents, who contribute greatly to the tax base that pays for education, are entitled to receive help that the State can lawfully provide so their children can receive the quality education they deserve.” Fidler’s plan was mailed to community residents last week.

Fidler’s proposal builds on his work during the last ten years as a New York City Councilman. Fidler was widely hailed as a leading force in restoring $25 million dollars for after-school vouchers for yeshiva parents, after they were cut by the Mayor last year. Fidler also co-sponsored a law that was passed requiring the City to pay for nursing staff for yeshivas. Fidler is also currently co-sponsoring legislation that would require the NYPD to provide security for yeshivas.

“I proved in the New York City Council that the City can be responsive to the needs of yeshiva parents. In Albany, I will have an even greater opportunity to deliver for yeshiva parents because that’s where much of the government funding for education comes from,” explained Councilman Fidler. “For years, candidates have promised to deliver for yeshivas, but I have actually done so. I will take my proven track record of delivering for yeshivas to Albany where the big battles for yeshiva education are being fought.  By working together, we will bring government resources to make it easier for yeshiva parents to pay tuition and guarantee the success of their children.”


9 Responses

  1. Of course “he who pays the fiddler get to call the tune” – would you want the Democrats to control yeshiva education. If you look at their other policies, you may decide that giving them control of Torah education really isn’t such a good idea.

  2. I sincerely hope Councilman Fidler will consider the following…

    Just last week YWN had an article quoting a security expert saying that New York is a prime target for Iranian terrorism because of the large Jewish population.

    If New York is a prime target, then our shuls and yeshivos are the bullseye on the target.

    Therefore, while of course tefila and Tehilim are a vital weapon to protect us, our shuls and our yeshivos are in serious need of armed security people.

    I realize that just like many Jews have some sort of genetic fear of dogs, they have a similar fear of guns.
    Nevertheless, the fear of weapons in the hands of terrorists and criminals SHOULD BE a much more REAL fear, than the fear of firearms in the hands of security guards.

    We have two choices.
    We can act NOW, BEFORE a tragedy occurs.
    We can wait until (chalila) after…

    Just as Mr. Fidler is working to help the community with our serious financial issues, I hope he will work on this serious pikuach nefesh issue as well.

  3. O.K. fools. Will you bite?

    I’m offering $100,000 to each and every voter in the district. Why not?–It’s not my money, and I can always blame someone else, if it doesn’t happen.

    Look, the only way to judge a person is by his record.

    Fidler has been a loyal tool of the public school teachers union forever. They are intensely hostile to Yeshiva education, or to any other schools, like charter schools, who threaten to divide school funds. They want all the available funds for themselves.

    Only the Republican conservatives advocate tuition tax credits and vouchers and charter schools, here and nationally.

    Fidler will not keep this promise. As soon as he is challenged by the public school teachers lobby, he will sing a different tune.

  4. Why is YWN running pro-Fidler editorials as news, while ignoring the fact that Fidler’s opponant is a Frum Jew? I obviously don’t live in the district in question, but it’s pretty obvious, even to me, that this is not a “news” article.

    an Israeli Yid

  5. anIsraeliYid, storobin is not frum. he put on a yarmulka and started going to brighton beach jewish center just before going to announce that he is running.

    hes just a frai as fidler.

    besides, what’s wrong with showing hakoras haotv to fidler for helping mosdos for the past 20 years, unlike lefkowitz, weinberger (agudah) and company, who threw him under the bus.

    one day the truth will get out that skelos made a deal with lwfkowitz and his cronies that he (agudah) backs storobin no matter what.

    protim yavou….

  6. all this will be income based. so the suckers that work and pay taxes and tution wont get a dime. some more money for the freeloaders

  7. I almost always vote for Democrats. However it looks like I am leaning towards voting for Storobin because I am still upset @ Lew Fidler for taking away our right to vote when he voted to extend Term Limits when this vote came up in the City Council a few years ago. Secondly I am upset that he called Storobin a Nazi a few weeks ago.

  8. Thank you to those who corrected my misimpression re: Storobin being Frum. That being said, the remainder of my comment stands.

    an Israeli Yid

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