OU Welcomes Obama Security Grant to Non-Profit​s

Today, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America – the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization – welcomed the announcement by the Department of Homeland Security that it is allocating $10 million for grants to non-profit organizations, including faith-based entities, for security upgrades under the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP).

The Orthodox Union, together with the Jewish Federations of North America and other non-profit sector advocates, spearheaded the creation of the NSGP in 2005. Since then, the program has delivered nearly $100 million in federal grants to synagogues, schools, community centers, museums, hospitals and other non-profit institutions in major urban areas that are deemed at risk of violent attack. The grants are used for physical security upgrades such as fencing, bollards, security cameras and more, as well as training. The NSGP was created with bipartisan congressional support led by Senators Barbara Mikulski, Susan Collins and Joe Lieberman, as well as Representatives Eric Cantor and David Price.

While the allocation of $10 million is a lower allocation than in recent years, the Department was contending with severe cuts made by Congress to its overall grants budget for the current fiscal year.

Nathan Diament, the Orthodox Union’s Executive Director for Public Policy, issued the following statement:

“The Orthodox Union, and the entire Jewish and non-profit communities, are grateful to Secretary Napolitano and her staff, as well as key staff at The White House, who worked with us to navigate this difficult budget environment to protect the community’s security needs. Recent events have acutely reminded us that the Jewish community and our institutions are eyed by those who would do harm to the innocent. The NSGP is a very important tool in defending our citizens. We are also grateful to the Obama Administration for working with us to identify other means by which the DHS and state law enforcement agencies can secure and protect our community and compensate for the budget cuts imposed by Congress. We will work with our partners in our ongoing partnership to implement these additional strategies and keep our community safe.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. I don’t know why the OU is so excited and grateful about this: we are under threat from Iran, New York is on high alert, and the Obama administration kindly reduced the allocation by 50%. The total HS budget has been reduced by 45%.

    This $10 million grant, not New York’s allocation, is across the country: assuming every awardee gets $75,000, the TOTAL number of grantees across the US will be 133.33 organizations (I’m not sure how 1/3 of an organization will be funded!) Therefore, in my professional opinion as someone who successfully applies for these grants, the chances of getting the grant is small.

    I spoke with my contact at Homeland Security who confirmed all the above. My suggestion: lobby your Senators and Congresspersons for an increase. Our safety is at risk.

    Of course, 16 fancy vacations for the Obamas and gourmet steaks at $100 lb for one of his parties is OK. The rest of us are at increased risk and Nero is fiddling while Rome burns.

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