Analysis: Storobin Campaign On the Rocks

After weeks of insisting the he was not a Neo-Nazi, the campaign of Russian-American activist David Storobin appears to be on the rocks. Last week it was revealed that despite high initial expectations the Republicans hardly put any resources into Storobin’s lackluster campaign for State Senate. This week it was revealed that a key Storobin adviser was arrested for assaulting and endagering the welfare of his 14 year old son. And today we learned that in a last-ditch effort, Storobin’s campaign is retooling by bringing on a new campaign manager. Is it too late for Storobin to save his long-shot campaign for State Senate? Only time will tell. The Special Election is Tuesday. March 20th.

Via State of Politics by Liz Benjamin

With exactly one month remaining in the race for former Sen. Carl Kruger’s Brooklyn seat, there has been a shakeup in the campaign of Republican contender David Storobin.

GOP sources confirm Jerry Sullivan, a one-time Assembly candidate and Brooklyn Republican operative who had been running Storobin’s campaign, is no longer on the job. “I was told he was just replaced,” a source said.

Storobin’s operation is now being entirely run by Senate GOP staffer Jason Brown, who has been working on the attorney and political newcomer’s campaign for a while now. “You know how the Senate operates,” the same source said. “They always put their people in charge.”

According to Storobin’s 32-day pre-special election filing, Sullivan was paid $1,770 between the end of January and the middle of February.

Also appearing on Storobin’s filing is Liam McCabe, an aide to Rep. Michael Grimm who was suspended by the congressman over the weekend after he was arrested and charged with assaulting his teenage son outside the boy’s Brooklyn school.

Storobin paid McCabe $1,200 over the past month as a consultant. Neither McCabe nor Sullivan appear on Storobin’s January filing.

As I reported last week, the Senate GOP has yet to produce the “tremendous” investment Storobin had boasted was being put into his campaign.

The Republicans appear to be reluctant to spend on the race unless internal polls show Storobin closing the gap between himself and his Democratic opponent, NYC Councilman Lew Fidler, as the March 20 election day draws closer.

Since the GOP has proposed eradicating the 27th SD in its redistricting map to make a new so-called “Super Jewish” district, it seems unlikely the majority will spend a lot to assist Storobin.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. Ya, the Post article is a little vague. Caused bruising yet he wasn’t hit? Angry? Not sure. Not to push it aside, but it seems very up in the air at this point.

    Nonetheless, can the YWN at least cut this neo-nazi garbage please. He is not a Russian-American, he is at least a Jewish Russian American, an Orthodox one at that.

    If I wrote the article, it’d go as follows:

    “Religious Jew and escapee of the Soviet Union, David Storobin, who has for some reason had to spend weeks claiming he was not a Neo-Nazi, has been accused of more ridiculousness, when a campaign helper got angry at his son for using pot. Grabbing his son’s arm in a very aggressive fashion and getting angry, cops were there and therefore arrested him. What does this mean? Other than Storobin is a Nazi who attends shul, it means that he obviously abuses people. Yes, you heard it from the media. Storobin has people who grab arms of their teenage soon in a strong manner when being caught using illegal substances. Lew Fidler for State Senate.

    This Article has been Sponsored by the YWN for Fidler Super Pac.”

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