Feldheim USA Not in Danger of Closing B”H

Following reports of the financial crisis that threatens the future of Feldheim Publishing, the company released a statement of clarification.

The letter dated February 19, 2012 reads “the financial crisis that you may have read about is in reference to Feldheim Publishers, Jerusalem.

“Our US operation, Phillip Feldheim, Inc. is an independent entity and will be B’Ezras Hashem continue publishing and distributing books”. Signed Yitzchak Feldheim.

In the meantime, the Israeli chareidi media is signaling a different reality, but Baruch Hashem, the company clarification clearly states the two companies are separate legal entities and it appears the US publishing house, which plays an important role in providing quality publications for the frum community is not planning to vanish from the scene.

 Statement from Feldheim Publishers

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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