PM Netanyahu Rides Out Storm to Avoid Chilul Shabbos

Despite the heavy Shabbos rains and the significant flooding in the Prime Minister’s Residence, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu instructed his staff not to address the water in the building until after Shabbos. He did not wish to be responsible for calling workers in on Shabbos when it was possible to avoid doing so.

There was significant flooding to the basement and other areas of the complex as well, compelling the prime minister and his wife Sara to move to another location of the residence. According to a Yediot Achronot report, the flooding became so severe that they ate their Shabbos lunch in a bedroom, where it was dry.

The prime minister later explained he was aware that leaving the residence would have meant many security agents would have to begin chilul Shabbos activities, which in this case he felt was unwarranted.

After Shabbos state officials began addressing the unacceptable situation in the official residence of the prime minister towards making necessary repairs and addressing the water damage.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Yes he did a wonderful thing. I have a feeling he may have had shomer shabbos family members with him that may have influenced his judgement. Regardless, we need all the zechusim we can get before March 5th.

  2. Maybe the cynical comments should be made??? This article sounds like a PR statement by Netanyahu himself! Every act of doing the will of Hashem is to be praised and commended, but be realistic!

  3. What is on March 5th ?
    Obama and Netanyahu will be meeting then to discuss Iran. Or rather Obama will try to convince Israel out of defending itself.

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