LIVE HOOKUP: עת צרה היא ליעקב וממנה יושע – Kinnus Teshuva to Be Held Today in Boro Park

Due to the critical threat from Iran and as a zechus for the gedolei Yisroel who are seriously ill, at the request of gedolei rabbonim, Irgun Shiurai Torah has arranged a kinnus teshuvah today, Presidents Day.

The event will take place in Boro Park at Bais Medrash Karlin Stolin, located at 4609-16 Avenue in Boro Park, at 1:00PM.

Divrei hisorerus will be delivered by the Novominsker Rebbe, HaRav Yosef Rosenblum, HaRav Moshe Green, and HaRav Avrohom Schorr.

Minchah will follow.

The event will be broadcast live on the YWN Newsline, by calling 718-506-1111, and option 5 for the live hookup section.


4 Responses

  1. Not everyone was fortunate enough to have learned Yiddish at home or in school. We too need to hear the precious words of chizuk. I hope when the Moshiach comes (and I get the feeling he’ll be speaking to us in Yiddish) that we will have headsets with translators on hand! Until then, and may it be soon, PLEASE, keep the Yiddish illiterate in mind.

  2. #1, I feel with you. B”h I know Yiddish well. It was excellent chizuk.
    the only thing that bothers me is that Ravi Chaim Kanievsky’s letter was not translated to Yiddish or English.
    I do hope and perhaps we should request an English translation on whole minus.

  3. The English-speaking American Yeshivos and the Ivrit speaking Yeshivos (and Chassidim) in E. I. are doing a great disservice to their Talmidim by essentially denying them the pleasure and chizuk of the older generation who are more comfortable with Yiddish. Many of today’s American Roshei Yeshivos can themselves hardly speak Yiddish with any fluidity.

    I, myself arrived in Mirrer Yeshiva in Jerusalem in 1964 as an English-speaking American with a smattering of Yiddish. I learned Yiddish by being forced to speak to my Yerushalmi chavrusos. I now speak Yiddish fluently with only a bit of an American accent.

    I know it is hard to learn a new language. But Yiddish is the language of many of the older (and younger Chassidishe) poskim.

    I highly recommend it.

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