Mayor Yaakov Asher Meets with Police Ahead of Purim

Bnei Brak Mayor Rabbi Yaakov Asher told Kol Chai Radio on Monday afternoon, 27 Shevat 5772 that he has already met with police to map out plans for Purim, using last year’s effort as a model. He explained that police are already working undercover and a number of people have been arrested for selling illegal fireworks. The mayor explains he hopes to minimize the use of the fireworks; hoping success will be even more significant than last year.

Asher praised police, and remains confident the holiday will pass without incident. The major streets will be closed on Purim night, and other actions will be taken to prevent youths from hanging out in the city, hoping to distance the worrisome crowd form city limits.

The mayor added that the special moked operator that was activated last Purim will also be working this year and he is hopeful the yomtov will pass without any unwanted incidents.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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