Iranian Warships Assist Collapsing Assad Regime

Two Iranian warships that crossed the Suez Canal and are anchored off the Syrian coast are assisting Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad to eavesdrop on the movements and actions of the opposition in the ongoing civil war in that country. The London-based al-Shark al-Awsat reports this information on Monday morning, based on information received from opposition forces in Syria as well as from defense officials in Egypt.

According to the report, Iranian communications experts are on board the vessels and they are working to disrupt communications between opposition forces to assist the collapsing regime of Assad.

While the international community, including the Arab League continues calling on Assad to step down, he continues to defy all directives and threats, aided by his staunch allies which includes Iran, Hizbullah, and Russia, with the latter continuing  to benefit from being the major arms supplier to the Axis of Evil nations.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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