Ketzaleh Calls for Achdus Again

Well aware preparations for the next general election in Israel have begun, MK Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh) is once again seeking to unite the right-wing, aware there is strength in numbers. Taking his signal from the larger parties which are holding primaries and getting into place for elections, Katz feels the religious Zionist parties must do the same, basically referring to his Ichud HaLeumi party and HaBayit HaYehudi party which is headed by Science Minister Rabbi Dr. Daniel Hershkowitz.

Katz and MK Uri Ariel sent tens of thousands of emails to constituents with their message, the same message they tried driving home before the last general elections. Their message reminds readers that the division in their ranks is what resulted in the National Religious Party dissolving, failing to gain the minimum number of seats for a Knesset seat.

While the ideological message is a sincere one, there are still many differences in the approach of the two parties, primarily since Katz’s party remains in opposition while HaBayit HaYehudi is a member of the ruling coalition.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Not to mention a big chunk of that movement that is staying within the Likud (Feiglin and friends) rather than working together to mount a challenge.

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