Israeli Coke Cola Already Kosher for Pesach

In keeping with tradition, Coke Cola Israel is already kosher for Pesach, ahead of time, in keeping with company policy in order to permit meeting the growing number of orders for the mehadrin kosher for yomtov soft drink. Coke Cola is under the mehadrin supervision of Av Beis Din Bnei Brak HaGaon HaRav Moshe Yehuda Leib Landau Shlita. Coke is also supervised by the Tel Aviv Rabbinate.

Coke is in great demand in heimeshe areas around the world for Pesach because of the mehadrin hechsher which is not available on the beverage elsewhere in the international marketplace.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Reply to #2

    A “heimeshe area” means different things to different people. For most, the word heimishese in the context of this story is meant to imply a neighborhood that is “traditional” “homey,” “familiar,” and “comfortable” but really means frum and yeshivish rather than MO. Thus 13th Avenue in Brooklyn is “heimeshe” while 5T is MO. But to some, and mind you, that some has become many, heimishe also has a negative connotation that is often an epithet for a neighborhood occupied by “ultra-orthodox zealots” and lower income and less sophitsticated yidden.

  2. 1. I didn’t know you were a maven on coke or how sodas are produced in general. In fact, you aren’t so you need to edumacated.

    In order to make a soda like coke you need an extract of many different flavors. In order to make an extract you need to soak what you want to extract (e.g., cola nut) and place it into water, propylene glycol, or ALCOHOL. The alcohol is usually grain or corn based. For Pesach if alcohol is used, they use synthetic alcohol which is acceptable for Pesach.

    There are other ingredients which could be a problem as well so just to blow it off like you did is irrational.

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