Jerusalem Avreich Gives Maran R’ Elyashiv a Year of His Life

As tefilos and tehillim continue on behalf of Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita, who remains in very serious/stable condition in a Shaare Zedek Medical Center cardiac intensive care unit, one avreich decided to give the posek hador a year of his life.

According to Kikar Shabbat, Jerusalem avreich Aaron B. decided to do more, and he gave the rav a year of his life. Aaron explains that “we are in a time that the gedolei yisrael as the pillar of our existence and without them we won’t be able to continue maintaining a proper lifestyle. We need Rav Elyashiv and other gedolei hador to lead and guide us”.

Aaron conferred with gedolei hador before making such a bold move, and he explains they told him to consult with his wife and children. “My children agreed immediately” Aaron explains.

“The rabbonim encouraged me and urged me to hurry and accept this via tefilos, without the need for any special ceremony”.

“During laining I was seated aside a chossid wearing a shtreimel, who asked my ‘why are you smiling. Would you give a year for me rebbe, the Satmar Rebbe too?’ I told him yes, of course. To all the gedolei Torah, Rav Kanievsky and Rav Ovadia too for they are protecting our generation”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

23 Responses

  1. the headline makes one think that it is easy to do this and it is just a matter of being willing.

    a tfilla like this should be private, not announced to the world.

  2. When Rav Naftoli Tropp the Rosh Yeshivah in Radin was seriously ill, the bnei yeshivah were donating time, someone asked the Chofetz Chiam if he too would donate. After much deliberation the chofetz chaim said yes I will give 5 minutes of my life.
    People that expected a month or a week or at least a few hours were taken aback. But people realized how precious time is.

  3. I dont believe this story. No “gedolei hador” would advise someone of this. We have no idea what this means, and if we are even capable of doing such a thing.

  4. “During laining I was seated aside a chossid wearing a shtreimel, who asked my ‘why are you smiling. Would you give a year for me rebbe, the Satmar Rebbe too?’ I told him yes, of course. To all the gedolei Torah, Rav Kanievsky and Rav Ovadia too for they are protecting our generation”.

    Got any spare ones for me and my friends? and some red candy for my kids?

  5. who says he has a year to give?
    who says how or that this really works, in the sense that hashem doesn’t say nice try but no thank you?
    We know chazal says Adam harishon gave years to Rabbi Akiva, but who says any normal john doe can just “give” his time? especially if he doesn’t truly have the appropriate appreciation for life?

  6. What shtus v’hevel.
    We are not baalim on our lives to give it away.
    That’s Torah 101.
    My 12th grade rebbe told us that they did this when Reb Aharon Kotler ZT”L was sick.
    They went around the room asking for the talmidim to give him a day.
    Guess what?
    It didn’t work.
    When will people learn Koheles
    אין שלטון ביום המות

  7. @yehudaj: I agree with u…just one point: adam harishon gave 70 years of his life david hamelech, not rabbi akiva. About rabbi akiva there’s a diff story: the ramchal only lived 40 yrs and its said he was a gilgul of rabbi akiva to make up for the first 40 years of his life being an am haaretz, and he is buried right next to rabbi akiva.

  8. I don’t know if he did ask and gedolim about this or if this story is altogether true, but we do find such a thing by Adam HaRishon who have seventy years to King Dovid. Even if it is true we most definety don’t know if Hashem will take it.

  9. When R’ Meir Shapiro, zatzal, was a young Rav in his early 20’s he was very sick and his kehlila together gave him 20 years, and he was niftar almost exactly 20 years later. Without that he wouldn’t have been able to give us the Daf Yomi.

  10. I’m surprised his kids didn’t convince him to give his life right now sounds like they were happy that their father would leave them one year earlier either he’s very rich or a abusive father

  11. popa_bar_abba says:

    This is messed up, IMO. The person needs a good psychologist. And his kids do even more.

    Either that or his kids just hate him.

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