Fears Surround This Year’s Kimcha D’Pischa Operations

The organizations that involve themselves with supplying the hundreds of thousands of tons of Kimcha D’Pischa supplies for Pesach are already concerned, for their yomtov begins about two months before seder night. The organizations either distribute food packages for free; or sell them at cost price or a subsidized price. This includes wine, matzos, fruits, vegetables, and other basic items necessary to permit families to prepare for yomtov.

Officials already realize that the major donors will be giving less this year, and some of them are unfortunately on line seeking assistance this year as well. The large companies in Israel that donated are also cutting back significantly, and ironically, while there is an increased demand, the supplies are diminishing before the doors offering assistance open.

Each chessed organization is trying to make its own miracle but at present, it appears this year the demand will be greater than the supply and there are those who will really be under enormous pressure to make yomtov as this Pesach is ushered in with new fiscal realities amid a world global economic crunch.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


4 Responses

  1. “hundreds of thousands of tons”?????

    A hundred thousand tons is two hundred million pounds. Even at ten pounds of matzah per person for the Yom Tov, that’s enough for 20 million people.

    Perhaps you mean “hundreds AND thousands of tons”??

  2. Yes 100,000’s of tons. Did you ever weigh bottles of grape juice, wine, boxes of potatoes eggs meat fish chicken………?
    I’m appalled by the reading comprehension level of many commenters on this site.

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