This Time, Yated Targets MK Gafne

Yated Ne’eman’s Hebrew edition is not known for its gentle approach, and this time, it attacks one of its strongest proponents, Moshe Gafne, who heads the Yated-affiliated political party, Degel HaTorah.

Gafne has initiated a program by which prominent members of the secular media visit chareidi areas, including Bnei Brak, Meah Shearim and chareidi mosdos, including Mir and Ponevezh. While most view the move in a positive light, seeking to show the secular press the ‘other side’, the ‘real chareidim’ and not the sikrikim, Yated lashes out at Gafne, telling him a yeshiva “is not a Museum”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Why is it any different than bringing an American ambassador or potential donor to the Mir? Both are hishtadlus l’ma’an kidush Shem Shomayim!

  2. “Yated Ne’eman’s Hebrew edition is not known for its gentle approach, and this time, it attacks one of its strongest proponents…”
    Doesn’t anyone proof these things? Aside from the macklokes generated by reporting these things, distancing ourselves from Geula, why would they attack their own PROponent? Perhaps they meant to say something like “its gentle approach toward xx, and this time, it attacks one of its…” – meaning a proponent OF XX, but here there ain’t no other antecedent, other than YN’s Hebrew edition. At least they spelled the possessive “its” correctly.

  3. Yeyasher koach to Moshe gafni. His is a great idea, and YN does not comprehend the probable kiddush HaShem this can make. How else can we combat the vicious slander on all chareidim caused by this lunatic gang of

  4. I fully support R’ Moshe Gafne in his efforts to give the unaffiliated Yiden in Eretz Israel an idea of what the yeshiva velt is about and gain an appreciation of the value of the amelus baTorah. That’s one way to spread and increase shalom among Yiden that should be encouraged. A maase she’haya that I read in R’ Lorintz’s book. The Ponevitch Rav explained to R’ Lorintz the difficult situation the yeshiva due to heavy debts it has incurred. R’ Lorintz talked with Yehoshua Rabinowitz, the minister of finance at the time, and member of the Labor Party. Rabinowitz was a freie Yid. He had a reputation of being very strict with disbursements of funds. Charedi causes were certainly not close to his heart. Nevertheless, R’ Lorintz invited him to come and see the yeshiva first hand and talk with R’ Kahaneman, the Rosh Yeshiva. When they opened the door to the beis midrash, he took a step back, in awe at the sight of several hundreds of talmidim learning. He was impressed to the depth of his heart. When they sat down to talk about the yeshiva’s budget, its debt, etc., Rabinowitz approved a $2 million funding full heartedly, way beyond the hanhalah’s dreams and expectations. We should not underestimate the neshama of any Yid.

  5. Who is the EDITOR of this Yated? and the board of directors, they are probably against any Yeshiva or Torah org receiving funds from the government and this is there way of showing anger.

  6. The only issue that I see is that Possibly this might backfire on the Charedi community as the media might distort the information that they get, as has been done unfortunately many times in the past.

  7. Yasher koach to Reb Gafni…what he is doing is a Kiddush Hashem, the kind of activity that can awaken secular Yidden to the beauty of a Torah life style. Another reason to read Hamodia, by the way.

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