Kever Rachel & Machpelah Omitted from National Heritage Sites List

It was about two years ago when Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu promised Kever Rachel and Ma’aras HaMachpela would be included in the list of National Heritage Sites. Granting them the special status would result in the allocation of funds towards improving and maintaining these locations, which carry such importance for Am Yisrael.

Despite the promise, when the list of sites to be included in the list was given to cabinet ministers this week, the two locations were omitted, the daily HaMevaser reports. It appears the prime minister backed down despite giving his word, an apparent response to public outcry among the international community.

In truth, one cannot know with absolute certainty what caused the change of heart, but many believe the Prime Minister’s Office opted to avoid additional international pressure surrounding the sensitive nature of the talks between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority).

Minister of Science (HaBayit HaYehudi) Rabbi Dr. Daniel Hershkowitz submitted a letter to Cabinet Secretary Tzvi Hauser in which he requests adding the two holy sites. He stresses the important role these two sites play in Yiddishkheit and the need to acknowledge this by their inclusion in the list.

The cabinet today, Wednesday, 22 Shevat 5772, is expected to approve the list that excludes the sites. MK Ze’ev Elkin and MK Prof. Aryeh Eldad of the Knesset Eretz Yisrael lobby decried the government’s actions, stressing that at the present time, when the PA is seeking to steal away integral portions of Eretz Yisrael, we are compelled to cling to these areas. The sited that the PA has already turned to UNESCO claiming rights on the sites as well and Israel is compelled to exercise sovereignty over the holy sites which are fundamental to the Jewish People.

In the official response from the PM’s Office, officials explain the decision was “Strictly professional”, seeking to discard allegations of political considerations, explaining that Kever Rachel is already being renovated and the Machpelah is not in need of renovations.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. To those who equate “Medinat Israel” with “Judaism”: Could you please explain how the medina could ignore its own history and ancestral claims to the land?

  2. “The Prime Minister’s Office opted to avoid additional international pressure surrounding the sensitive nature of the talks between Israel and the PA”
    —> Yeah right, because we are sooooo close to reaching a real peace agreement (LOL!) that we wouldn’t want to jeopardize it by asserting our 4,000 year old claim to these sites.

    “The PM’s Office, officials explain the decision was “Strictly professional”, seeking to discard allegations of political considerations”
    —> Yeah right, and if you believe THAT, you must believe in the tooth fairy also.

  3. Very smart move on Netanyahu’s part. There is no point in creating tension with the Arabs and the International community.

  4. With Iran on the brink of attaining a nuclear bomb and bombs exploding at Israeli embassies around the world we need International support and at this point it would be foolish to create friction over a silly registry.

  5. It may look “smart,” but it’s not at all “wise.” Do the Arabs and the rest of the world look any more favotably upon us when we kiss their feet?

  6. Given the importance of assuring equal access to these sites which the Arabs consider a makom kadosh, this was a smart move and allows time to negotiate the needed assurances and avoid any new demonstrations.

  7. crazykanoiy…

    Using your logic maybe Netanyahu should also ban Jews from davening at the Kotel.
    That too IS “creating tension with the Arabs and the International community.”

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