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Fidler Campaign Slams Latest Storobin Attack

For the second time in two weeks, David Storobin, the republican candidate for New York State Senate held a press conference on the steps of the Brighton Beach Jewish Center. In his latest presser, Storobin attacked Lew Fidler with a string of attacks – including the recycled claim that Fidler made, that Storobin has “ties to skinheads and neo-Nazi groups and white supremacist groups”.

Another one of his major attacks against Fidler was that he parked his car illegally, a claim that Fidler disputes and stated he was given permission.

Following his latest attacks against the Fidler campaign, Kalman Yeger, Lew Fidler’s campaign manager, gave the following statement
“For 14 straight days, Mr. Storobin has done nothing other than talk about a perceived insult he created in only his own head.  This is now his second press conference where he has erratically engaged in nothing other than false and malicious attacks on Lew Fidler’s words and record. While Lew Fidler continues to campaign on issues important to the people of Brooklyn, Mr. Storobin does nothing more than lie, attack, and lie some more.  It’s a bit sickening at this point, but what else can we expect from someone who has no record, no accomplishments, and is trying to buy a Senate seat as the shill of his Albany Republican pals.” 

Why Storobin chose the steps of the Brighton Beach Jewish Center to once again hold a press conference is unknown.

Storobin also claimed that Fidler’s campaign sent a “heckler” to the press conference. The campaign told YWN that no one was sent there, and stated that “as Fidler continues to take the lead in this race, we can expect to hear more outrageous and totally false claims from Mr. Storobin.”

In related news, a senior Republican operative in Albany told YWN anonymously, that we (republicans) don’t think that Storobin even has the slightest chance in defeating Fidler, but have pumped in a few hundred grand into the race just to play with Fidler.”


5 Responses

  1. It’s wrong for any candidate to use the steps of a shule or any tax exempt organization for a press conference. Some would get the mistaken impression that the shule or other non profit endorses him. I know nothing about this Starobin or the race, but if he’s really a lawyer he must be aware that such action is wrong.

  2. I think Fidler is lucky that Storobin doesn’t do this every single day.

    The comment on his connections with Skinhead websites and an article on YWN was so misleading that I (and the rest of the posters it seems) thought at the time that one 1) this guy isn’t Jewish 2) this guy is some right wing nut who posted on right wing sites that was asking for trouble.

    I then read an interview with him in one of the Frum magazines and found myself shocked that this guy was both frum and escaped from the Soviet Union, an actual survivor of religious bigotry.

    A comment like this in a more large scale election would be a nail in the coffin. This race should be over.

    If Fidler wins, barring some new information that anyone could imagine Storobin being worse or much worse at that, would be a shame for the district and make our community a mockery. Do we have no shame? If Fidler ate a nice fatty BLT b’rabim, would we honestly be voting for this fraud? He has been a proven loshon hara monster, ok its politics so a few mistruths are expected, but NAZIS! This is ridiculous. How can we stand by? Did Fidler apologize? And if he did, where is the YWN article about it? [Some press release that says that he didn’t mean to offend anyone would be equivalent of offering someone a tissue after you made their nose bleed.]


  3. YWN now strongly supports Pro-Gay marriage candidates. Lew Fidler is pro-abortion, ANTI yeshiva vouchers and ANTI yeshiva tuition relief and of course a big proponent of GAY MARRIAGE.

    But when DAVID GREENFIELD says jump! YWN says how high? And DAVID GREENFIELD strongly supports Liberal Progressive Lew Fidler. So that answers why they’re willing to sell out their values.

    Such a shame that YWN is selling out its values all because they love doing the bidding of DAVID GREENFIELD.

    And, even greater shame that YWN would have the chutzpah to lie about “In related news, a senior Republican operative in Albany told YWN anonymously, that we (republicans) don’t think that Storobin even has the slightest chance in defeating Fidler, but have pumped in a few hundred grand into the race just to play with Fidler.”


    Sincerely, [email protected]

  4. #1, Who says it’s wrong to use the stairs of a shul? If someone gets the impression that the shul endorses him, so what? Why is that wrong? So long as the shul doesn’t *officially* endorse him, it is entitled to let him use the stairs, and let people draw whatever conclusion they like. In fact, not only may he use the outside stairs, he may even be invited to speak from the bimah, and the rov may stand with him afterwards shaking people’s hands. Lehavdil churches do this at every election, so why shouldn’t shuls do it too?

  5. The Democratic Party is the party of Toeva, and Fidler is one of the strongest supporters of all Toeva legislation.

    We have to stop “Fiddling-Aroung” with Fidler and with leftist politicians like him.

    We have a basic obligation as Jews to honor the words of Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L: “Lehar-os, to show, that Am Hashem sonei Toeva.” (from an open letter by Rav Moshe)

    Fidler is using the same tactics that Gingrich used in the Florida Republican primary. He is trying to stampede elderly Jews and others into abandoning Storobin by accusing him of being an anti-Semite, even though Storobin is an Orthodox Jew, which Fidler is definitely not.

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