TA Mayor Huldai Pushing for Shabbos Bus Service

Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai used his Facebook page to push his agenda, public transportation in Tel Aviv on Shabbos.

“Israel is the only nation in the world in which public transportation does not operate on a quarter of the days of the year. Not on Shabbos and Yomim Tovim. We must ask ourselves what one who is not able to buy a car does and is asked to visit family and friends on Shabbos or one who simply wishes to party on the beach” reads his announcement.

The mayor blames the Ministry of Transportation, and calls on the government “to hear the voice of the majority” regarding bus service on Shabbos and Yomtov”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. This is the same mayor who upon hearing a proposal from city engineers to put all electric wires underground, replied that “as long as the strings of the religious people go down with them.” (referring to eiruv strings)

    It is quite befitting for him to be the mayor of the city whose initials stand for “Tisha Av”.

  2. After the recent goings on and in today’s atmosphere, he has a very good chance of getting what he wants.

    “Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.”

  3. “Israel is the only country in the world…” I guess he doesn’t realize that Israel is also the only country in the world that has the Torah and the mitzva of shemiras Shabbos.

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