NJ State Senate Approves Toeiva Marriage

The New Jersy Senate passed a bill legalizing same-gender marriage this afternoon by a vote of 24-16.

Two republicans, Sen. Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) and Sen. Diane Allen (R-Burlington) voted yes on the bill.

The bills passage elicited a round of applause from those in the audience wearing blue in support of the bill, which Gov. Chris Christie has promised to veto. Sen. Ray Lesniak (D-Union), a co-sponsor, raised his arm in victory and said “Yes!”

Two Democrats, Sen. Ronald Rice (D-Essex) and Sen. Jeff Van Drew (D-Cape May), voted no.

The 24 votes in favor of the bill leaves supporters three votes short of the 27 votes they would need to override Christie’s veto.

The debate lasted less than an hour, with only Sen. Gerry Cardinale (R-Bergen) speaking against the bill.

“The essential characteristic of a marriage, the very definition of the term, is it involves at least one male and one female,” Cardinale said. “Do not break with thousands of years of civilized tradition. This bill opens Pandora’s box.”

The Assembly will take up the bill on Thursday.

Christie, who opposes same-gender marriage, wants to put the issue on the ballot in November, but Democrats have rejected that option, saying civil rights should not be subject to popular vote.

(Source: NJ Star Ledger)

8 Responses

  1. The Democrat Party is clearly the party of Toeva, as the overwhelmingly-Democrat support for this bill clearly shows.

    Anyone who votes for that party is supporting the “Sonei Hashem.”

  2. If Christie doesnt veto this he can kiss his political aspirations goodbye. Im not surprised at Sen. Jeff Van Drew’s vote against it hes a democrat but a very upstanding good guy i met him

  3. the ultra right and blind yeshivish will vote for it, u know why?????? the dont care its kneged rotzon Hashem ITS THE PROGRAMS , FEHhh a descent Goi wont vote for it

  4. Reply to #4.

    You say a ” Fehh, a descent Goi wont vote for it”. Well, since 20 of the 24 votes for the bill passed today were from goyim, there must be 20 “indecent” goiyim in the NJ Senate (as well as 4 indecent yiddin). Maybe the real message is to focus on really important issues like jobs, health care and taxes and stop trying to dictate the rules governing civil marriage contracts. The law passed today is all about equalizing economic benefits and will not force any rav to be masader kiddushim for a same-gender couple. Lets not assume this has anything to do with daas torah or halacha. No political body can change the rules we live by but we should not seek to project our beliefs on the goyim.

  5. torahyid
    just for the record lakewood voted 95% for christie and lakewoods BMG had for the past weeks signs and #s to call regarding the bill, what did you NYs do to stop the bill in NY? Christie knows he owes lkwd a big one, he will veto the bill.

  6. disgusting & a embarassment to yiddishkeit

    with a message from HASHEM to get out of the USA & be on your way to Eretz Yisroel. dont wait until NJ & THE USA go down more in other ways i.e. the economy, taxes, corruption etc… go NOW to eretz yisroel where the economy is better & ALSO BE CLOSER TO HASHEM

  7. Gadolhadora, you are so wrong!!!We have an obligation to project our beliefs on others, if possible,including the 7 mitsvos B’nei Noach.

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