An Agreement has Been Reached on Migron

Due to the efforts of Minister Binyamin Begin, an agreement has been hammered out which if accepted, would prevent a confrontation and bloodshed chas v’sholom surrounding the government’s planned uprooting of Migron. The agreement seems to enjoy the approval of both the government and Migron residents and their representatives. However, the agreement must be approved by the High Court of Justice.

In essence, the government is compelled to remove the Shomron community in compliance with a High Court ruling, which was in response to a petition presented to the court on behalf of PA (Palestinian Authority) residents. The court, headed by Justice Dorit Beinish, did not even bother seeking documentation to back Arab ownership claims, all too willing to rule in favor of PA residents and order the removal of the yishuv.

Represented by prominent attorney Yaakov Weinrot, the residents of Migron negotiated with government officials, represented by Minister Begin.

Under the agreement, the government will finance relocating the community to a nearby location about 2km (1.2) miles away, the site of a winery. The agreement also stipulates the residents will not have to move until the new community is ready for them, to prevent leaving them homeless during an interim period.

The timing of the agreement is to the benefit of the residents, with this week’s retirement of the court president, Dorit Beinish, whose left-wing leanings made seeking any compromise on the community’s future nearly impossible.

In response to the announced agreement Peace Now leader Yariv Oppenheim told Israel Radio he is hopeful that the High Court will reject the proposed agreement, adding it negates the spirit and intention of the court’s ruling, and the government is intentionally ignoring the court’s deadline.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. What kind of justice is this? The court’s decision was manifestly unjust, and the government should simply ignore it. Any compliance with such an unjust ruling just empowers the court to continue issuing them. Why should these people have to move from their own land, and why should the Israeli taxpayer have to fund a completely useless relocation?

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