IDF Soldiers on Leave Uninsured

Israel Radio military correspondent Carmela Menashe reports this morning, Monday, 20 Shevat 5772, that a law intended to abandon a soldier who is AWOL (absent without official leave) in actually appears to be a double-edged sword.

A recent case involving a soldier on leave, who was injured in an accident, is not covered by the Defense Ministry’s rehabilitation benefits. In addition, it has been learned as a result that if a soldier is on vacation and takes ill, he does not have health insurance as a result of the law. This law begins from the 15th day of a leave. It also pertains to death chas v’sholom — that is to say if a vacationing soldier is killed or takes ill after 14 days on leave, there is no coverage. This means in the case of death, the family is not recognized as a ‘bereaved family’ and does not receive benefits. Menashe recommends that until such time the law is amended, soldiers and officers should not take more than two weeks vacation.

Menashe explains that to the best of her understanding, the law is used simply to save the government money.

On the other hand, as a vacationer he is a soldier under the law, bound by IDF law, and Menashe is questioning how the military is permitted to ignore soldiers on leave for as long as they are officially carrying IDF identity cards as active members of the military.

Attorney Oded Savorai, an expert in the field, explains the law was intended to address AWOL soldiers and he is calling on the Knesset to amend the law. He explains that if a soldier on leave is involved in a vehicular accident, he simply has no coverage and he will be left to address his medical care and rehabilitation on his own.

This also applies to ‘lone soldiers’ who frequently receive a month’s vacation to permit them to travel abroad to visit family.

Menashe concluded that the defense minister and chief of staff must compel lawmakers to address this loophole in the law, which was only discovered as a result of a soldier who applied for assistance that he thought would be forthcoming.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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