Police Find Missing Jewish Teen Just Before She Was to Marry an Arab

Just hours before she was to convert to Islam and marry an Arab, 15-year-old Nofar Ben Hamou was found Sunday by Israel Police in an Arab village located within the Green Line.

The girl, from the mixed Jewish-Arab city of Lod, was reported missing two months ago. Her heartbroken parents, Sigal and Shalom, contacted the police and Yad L’Achim, expressing concern that their daughter had run off with an Arab boyfriend she took up with a year and a half ago.

She was found by police in an area known as The Triangle, a group of Arab villages located near Hadera.

Mrs. Ben Hamou told Besheva magazine in a recent interview that her daughter was not the only Jewish girl in Lod to get involved with Arabs. “Girls here are exposed to minorities daily, on the way to school and back,” she said. “It definitely can happen to anyone. My daughter was perfectly normal; she had a zest for life and plenty of friends. But she was a victim.

“We live next to Arabs who are always trying to entice our innocent girls. They give them iPhones, expensive jeans, jewelry, gold watches and what not. That’s how they blind them. Unfortunately, there is no immunity to anyone. In my worst nightmares I never dreamed it would happen to us.”

Throughout her ordeal Mrs. Ben Hamou was in touch with Yad L’Achim’s counter-assimilation department. Yad L’Achim officials announced Sunday that they would remain at the family’s side until they are fully rehabilitated.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. how about a little bit of chinuch? what kind of yiddeshkeit was she exposed to. how stupid can one be to think that we dont live a religious life but our children are supposed to want to be jewish

  2. A good Jewish education couple with a warm Jewish home is the best prevention from Arab men. It should be noted that no Jew can turn on the charm like Arab men. Therefore girls who have lousy images of Jews and come from homes that do not give them love and warmth are susceptible.

    Before they marry the Arab men are so very warm and considerate that a Jewish girl would envy a marriage with them, but once the marriage is consummated they become harsh and demanding husbands. Jewish men are not quite adept at lying and falsification.

  3. Years ago I knew an Arab “shtinker” who helped the organization I worked with. I found out he had a Jewish girlfriend who was from a very frum home. It turned out that there were quite a few of these “situations” among high school aged girls.. she was not the only one of her friends that were mixed up in this. It is not only the non frum who fall into this. And even if she wasnt planning on marrying him, the attention and gifts could be blinding. I notified my bosses, and it was dealt with, Baruch Hashem, before she went to far to help.

  4. #1:
    Sadly this happens at all ‘levels’/’layers’ of our people, regardless of chinuch and ‘type’ of ‘yiddeshkeit’ when the girls are exposed to Arabs, be it as the school bus driver or cleaner or just someone living in the area.

    What #3 says is closer to home, you need a warm home and an decent (jewish) education, but even then it can still happen.

  5. @Takingabreak:
    These Arab boys are experts at steering there innocent Israeli girls into their grasp until they have them locked in. Yad L’achim wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t a real problem. You have no right to judge. Sara Imeinu ended up captive by a goy, Dina was captured by schem and violated. According to some meforshim Esther Hamalka sadly was stuck married to Achashverosh after the Megilla story. Would you like to start judging them too? Was Yaakov avinu bad at chinuch???

  6. You fellows are over the top…I most assuredly am opposed to such unions…but the more likely scenario in a case like this is that the girl came from a home without any meaningful foundation in Torah…and that the kids fell for each other.

    Twenty years ago I responded to a “I’m going to put my head in the oven” guy in his 40s, all bent out of shape because his daughter was engaged to a Gentile…I asked him what in his home was materially different from the home in which the boy was raised…there was nothing.

    He was a “cardiac Jew”…in his heart he know he was a “good Jew!”

    My generation could “feel” Jewish growning up in a post Shoah world filled with survivors and WWII vets – we could “feel” Jewish as Israel found its footing and then later surprised us with the victory in ’67…all emotion, no intellect…no Torah.

    Much of Israel is little different…as one particular angry frei soldier snapped at me years ago, “it’s no big deal to be Jewish here..I’ll fight and die for my country, but not for the [expetive] rabbis.”

    Sad…but I’d wager much of the Jewish/Arab hooking up comes about more as a result of this issue than it does from Arab conspiracies.

  7. YonasonW, you have no idea what you’re talking about. The other commenters have it exactly right: Arab men consider it a huge conquest to lure a Jewish girl into marrying them. They woo them, sweep them off their feet, and then bring them to their village; once the girl has come to the Arab village she will never leave. She converts to Islam, marries him, and then she finds out what she really got herself into. She is beaten, and not allowed to go anywhere without supervision. Once she has children she knows that she can’t leave with them. And the children grow up being called “Jew” and having to prove their loyalty to the Arab cause, preferably by shahada.

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