Galei Tzahal’s Razi Barkai Visits Bnei Brak

Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) host Razi Barkai visited Bnei Brak, escorted by Yarach Tucker, who recently began bringing prominent media personalities to obtain a real inside look at the chareidi tzibur.

In January, Tucker brought Channel 2’s Danny Kushmaro to Mir Yeshiva and Toldos Aaron. It was a real eye-opener for Kushmaro, who emerged with a new understanding of the chareidi community, one that Tucker hopes will compel him to present a more balanced picture when reporting on events in the chareidi tzibur.

This time his guest was Barkai, who visited a factory employing chareidi women; a setting permitting them to earn a living while maintain their level of tznius; the Bostoner Rebbe’s Shlita Talmid Torah, and Ponevezh, Kikar Shabbat reports.

While Barkai reportedly did not speak much, he was visibly moved at the site of so many avreichim learning in the Ponevezh Beis Medrash.

Tucker hopes to continue this program, for he feels by providing prominent journalists a real look at chareidi life in the hope of opening a door that has always been shut for them, giving them a glance of the beauty of a life of shmiras Torah and Mitzvos and that involves.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Thank you Tucker, great idea.

    After we have exposed and introduced individuals to the frum lifestyle, let’s start visits to Yehudah & Shomron for many frum people who have never set foot in Bet El, Alon Shvut, Othniel, etc. I recall when one of the Shas MK returned from visiting Rav Melemed’s yeshiva in Bet El, he was shocked at the avrechim, limud torah, tzinuus and midos of those he met there.

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