More Disharmony on Board Jerusalem – Tel Aviv Bus

A 55-year-old Belzer chossid was the latest victim of discrimination while riding a 480 bus from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv Chadrei Chareidi reports. When the chossid boarded, the only remaining seat was in front, next to a young chiloni male, who after being asked “is this seat taken” responded “a foul smelling person like you is not sitting next to me”.

The chossid thought the young man was kidding but when he shouted “Don’t sit next to me” and it was clear, this was no joke, Arutz-7 reports.

This did not pass without an uproar on the bus, resulting in condemnations of the young man’s actions, and eventually clearing the seat for the chossid.

Arutz-7 quotes the chossid as saying “I am shocked by the sinas chinam. I have no doubt that this is the result of the incitement against the chareidi public seen in Israel during recent weeks”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. When I grew up, the epithet “Dirty Jew” was a staple of anti-semitic rhetoric.

    So, now the secularists in Israel are mimicing the anti-semites–A tragedy!

  2. This is news? One jerk behaves badly, is condemned by the others on the bus and the Chossid gets his seat…and you elevate this to an issue of “discrimination.” Silly.

  3. This is the action of one lone idiot. imagine if you posted all the bad actions of the lone crazies in our community……….

  4. Dear no’s. 4 and 5:

    The actions of this “lone idiot” did not come out of thin air. They are a direct response to the media slime campaign against the Chareidi community.

    There are probably many, many more such incidents–small and large–happening all over Israel.

    Who knows how many Chareidim are being abused by the Israeli Government bureaucracy as a result of this demonization. Who knows how many fine young Chareidi men are being denied an opportunity to earn a Parnosso for their families.

    Words have consequences!

  5. Perhaps we should dan l’chaf zechus, perhaps the chossid really did smell. Perhaps he had just come back from sort of strenuous work, or ran a long way to catch the bus…
    either way a true yid would dan lechaf zechus that this wasn’t sinas chinam but rather perhaps an unfortunate incident that was blown out of proportion.

  6. We can only blame ourselves, because the charedim are not contributing to society and just taking money from the secular Jews and they are busy fighting with the secular Jews.

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