Testimony To Continue In Lakewood Cop Murder Trial

Testimony will continue today in the trial of a man accused of murdering a Lakewood police officer. Ocean County prosecutors say Jahmell Crockam fatally shot Patrolman Christopher Matlosz on Jan. 14, 2011.

Prosecutors say Crockam feared being arrested on outstanding warrants, and shot the officer to avoid going to jail. But Crockam’s lawyer says police arrested the wrong man.

The defense argues that the murder weapon was never recovered and asserts there are no reliable witness identifications of Crockam as the killer.

Two residents of the street where the killing happened testified that Crockam was the man they saw shoot Matlosz.

(Source: News12)

One Response

  1. This criminal needs to be found guilty and executed. Short of that life without parole (hard labor will be nice) is choice number two. The courts and the system can’t let us down. I don’t accept any liberal sob stories or excuses for his murderous behavior…there are none.

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