PHOTOS: Neturei Karta Goes to Iran; Embrace Ahmadenijad


Once again, representatives of the fanatic Neturei Karta sect have traveled to Iran, taking part in an event in Tehran, a conference addressing the film industry. Researchers from the United States, Italy, Britain, Belgium and other countries participated in the event, as did Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Some of the members of the Neturei Karta delegation proudly shook hands with the Iranian president, who continues efforts towards the destruction of Israel.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. Neturei Karta sect have traveled to Iran, taking part in an event in Tehran, a conference addressing the film industry.

    The film industry?!?
    tsk tsk

  2. What do they have to do with the film industry? They certainly don’t even watch films. Sure looks like they take every opportunity to visit their dear friend and benefactor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    What do they do about minyonim and mikvos?

  3. I am sorry to have to say it this way…But enough is enough! These are sick dogs! Where are the Rabbanim? Why aren’t these animals being forced to MOVE to Iran already?

  4. I was once with a Rebbe of mine when someone asked him what to think about neturei karta people. He said ” if you see someone in a wheelchair do you yell ar him “why are you handicapped” no, you say nebach, well so too neturei karta nebach on them for having such a warped shitta.” Uch!!

  5. #3:
    By whom? No rav that they listen to will force them to move, and if the state would say “ad kan” and expel them there would probably be a huge amount of ado over it…

  6. On these people, VIRTUALLY EVERYONE knows that they are a fringe group! No need to get all up-tight the same way most people don’t get all up-tight they see a secular Jew eat a cheeseburger. It would be holy if we were at the level to cry every time we hear of a secular Jew eating a cheeseburger, but for those of us that are not, we can pass this off with the same regard.

  7. I can’t understand why the mossad can’t infiltrate the NK and do there thing? They have acess to the worst villans in the world.

  8. ZeitBsimcha:- I second & even triple your motion. Except that dogs is too soft a term, for an animal that was rewarded in Parshas Bo, just 2 weeks ago. But I’ll leave it to the readers’ imaginations, what more reprehensible description to embelish naturei karta with.

    Simply put, they can either endure their Gehinom now by residing in Iran instead of in our superb Medinas Yisroel or the USA, or reside in the real Gehinom of Olom HaBo instead, for perpetuity.

  9. One crucial thing you are all forgetting to realize….these “fanatics” are NOT JEWISH in the slightest bit. They are a bunch of imposters. We hear of “self haters” all the time, but the way the “neturei karta” go about it, I find it hard to believe they have an ounce of a jewish neshama in them.

  10. A SIMPLE Equation…

    1) Ahmadinejad has clearly stated his goal of eliminating not just the political “State” of Israel, but killing all the Jews in it.

    2) Therefore, Ahmadinejad is my mortal enemy.

    3) The Neturei Karta are clearly friends of my enemy.

    4) The friend of my enemy IS my enemy.

    5) The Neturei Karta is (not merely a bunch of wackos) but the mortal enemy of the more than 6 million Jews living in Eretz Yisrael (and those who care about them!) and should be viewed in exactly the same way we view Hamas, Hezbollah, or any other terrorist group.

  11. I dont understand something.
    I KNOW that NK are reshaim, crazy, nutty people.
    But no matter how NUTS someone is- dont they chap that achme-whatev his name is, yemach shemo- is their enemy too?
    I mean they have managed 2 b so stupid and think very irrationally but ANYONE with ANY brains in their head knows that achme whatevr is trying 2 kill Israel.
    So what were they thinking????????!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    Or maybe I do not even wanna know.
    May Hashem help erase all these crazy reshaim and put them where they belong- in gehenom- fast so that they do not pose any more danger 2 klal yisroel. amen

  12. To the Editor of YWN, the Goal of these lunatics is to see their pictures in the media, by posting this story you help them fulfill their only goal

  13. How sick can we be when we honor these wackos by even considering them? They are sick and pity on their families.

    BTW what is the significance of the wearing the reform type of talis around their necks? I would have suggested a noose instead…

  14. stop donating to any shul, yeshiva, tzedaka, hasgacha that allows them in or that assists them. you will cut of their funding and also save alot of money by not donating to most collectors that come to the shuls in brooklyn. the are crazy and we are idiots for indirectly suporting them. shame on us.

  15. lazerc…

    You asked… “what is the significance of the wearing the reform type of talis around their necks?”

    Not sure if you were serious about the question, BUT, – what they’re wearing is a Hamas ‘kefiya’ (head-dress) that they wear as a scarf to show their support for those chayas.

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