R’ Edelstein Shlita: When Rav Elyashiv is in Sakana, We Are All in Sakana

HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein connected the status of Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita and the security situation in Eretz Yisrael. He explained that through his limud Torah and existence, Rav Elyashiv protects us against strategic threats.

The rosh yeshiva spoke of the precarious security realities that face Israel today, the fears of an imminent war. “We are in sakana (danger) and need protection. We are speaking of serious danger. We already heard of the man with foreign citizenship who was residing in Israel, and received a letter expressing their concern for his safety due to the security situation. He was instructed to return home and we are like the lone sheep among 70 hungry wolves. This is the kind of situation we are in”.

The rosh yeshiva explained Rav Elyashiv and his Torah are our defense, and there is someone who can protect us, Rav Elyashiv, whose body has given way to his neshama, a proverbial Aaron Kodesh. He does not permit himself to be distracted from Torah, not even for a single moment, explained Rav Edelstein.

During his schmooze the rosh yeshiva made reference to the koach of tzaddikim and their abilities, to prevent a war. “It is known that before WWII the Torah giants were niftar. The Birkas Shmuel and HaGaon HaRav Shimon Schkop — and my father and teacher eulogized them, explaining that for as long as there is a tzaddik protecting, there is no harm. When the tzaddik is niftar lo aleinu, this is a sign that the generation lacks merit and is not worthy of protection from the tzaddik. It is known that the Chazon Ish said if the Bal Birkas Shmuel was alive, there would not have been a Holocaust. The Torah protects the generation.

Now, our generation has someone who defends us, by his toil constant occupation with Torah, HaRav Elyashiv. He is ill and in danger, and we are compelled to daven for his well being. Continue davening for Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha b’soch kol cholei am yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I believe we have benefitted from Rav Elyashiv these long years. Therefore, we are compelled to daven for him, not just because we need him to defend us, because we need him for our sakes. We are compelled to daven for him, to plead for his life, to entreat Hashem to preserve his health, because of HaKaras HaTov. I doubt that Rav Elyashiv wants each of us to send him thank-you cards to show our recognition for his superhuman efforts on our behalf. But the least we can do to show how much we appreciate what he has done for us until now, and ask Hashem to send him what he needs now the most.

  2. Very well said, Rainus. I totally agree with you.
    We have rachmana litzlan lost so may gedolim in the past year. And now our “grandfather” is “hanging between heaven and earth”. We must do all we can as a zechus for his complete recovery.
    Harav Elyashiv shlita gave up all the gashmiyus and distractions of this world and dedicated himself totally to Torah. Perhaps this would be a good time for us to give up our distractions, even if for only one hour, as a zechus for a refua shleima for Harav Yosef Shalom ben Chaya Musha. No internet, radios or texting for one hour. Who’s with me on this?

  3. How about … for Rabbi Elyashiv’s zechus we also start (dare I say) informing ourselves about what he has said time and time again about sheitlach. Are they MORE important to us than anything else?

    Perhaps just listening to Rabbi Elyashiv’s ruling on them would show Ribbono Shel Olam that we recognize him as the Posek Hador — meaning that his psak halacha is final (and as Rabbi Lefkowitz ZTL said that “Rabbi Elyashiv’s psak is Torah Min HaSinai) Perhaps then we will deserve him to have him in our midst until 120…

  4. In times like this, maybe each one of us should make a kabalah to improve in any area of our ruchniut. That would serve as z’chut for R’ Elyashev, as well as personal z’chut.

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