Gush Katif Expellees to Mark Tu B’Shevat

The former residents of Gush Katif communities will continue their annual tradition, gathering on Tu B’Shevat to plant trees in the community of Bnei Netzarim.

According to a HaMevaser report, this year’s event will carry special meaning, as seedlings uprooted after the government’s 2005 expulsion of Jews from Gaza will be planted again.

The residents uprooted many trees prior to leaving the area, and the Jewish National Fund planted them temporarily, planning to move them to their permanent home after three years.

While it has been over six years since the expulsion, there are expellee families who do not have a permanent home; the decision has been made to plant the trees, which were intended for their permanent homes.

Doron Ben-Shlomei, who represents the former Gush Katif residents, explains the event will provide closure for many, symbolizing renewed life, vigor and the symbolism between man and the land. Ben-Shlomei remains confident that one day, they will return to their homes in the Gush, along with the trees.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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