Court President Justice Dorit Beinish added that based on current realities, in this case security concerns, permitting him onto Har HaBayis may lead to violence and loss of life and as such, security officials are well within their right and responsibility in taking actions that seek to prevent a deterioration in the situation.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
4 Responses
To help Rav Eliyashuv you will do an Avaira to go to the Har Habayis???????????? Name one Torah Godol in 2000 yrs that went there??????? O N E ??
Wow – the medinah is agreeing with daas Torah
#2- actually, the Medinah decided they wouldn’t really mind if some Yidden went to Har haBayis, since after all, almost all gedolim prohibit it, BUT the Israeli Police are busy enough without have to protect/guard the Jews who were to go, and in surpressing the riots that would result.
Although I also don’t go up to Har Habayis it is important to note that the “Da’as Torah” that says no to all areas of the mount is modern.
Lets name a few that went up:
R’ Akiva et. al.
But I guess they’re nobodies and don’t count (#1)…..
With the proper preparations/precautions certain areas of Har Habayis are permissable and to offhand say someone who doesn’t hold of your posek is a sinner is wrong and borders on Sinas Chinam, now that’s absolutely the most helpful thing in bringing the moshiach closer (and healing the rav)