New York State Police Crack Down On Move Over Law

State Police say they pulled over 197 drivers on the Thruway during January in an effort to enforce the new “move over” law.

The law effective Jan. 1 requires drivers to change lanes or slow down when approaching service vehicles such as tow trucks and maintenance trucks with flashing amber lights.

The original “move over” law requires drivers to switch lanes away from a stopped police or fire department vehicle when its lights are flashing.

The January stops were to raise awareness.

Now State Police Major Robert Meyers says tickets will be issued.

(Source: YNN)

2 Responses

  1. Its not right that everyone has to pull over for tow trucks and service trucks! Its one thing if a tow truck is ON THE WAY to tow a car which is blocking the road, but why is a car being towed more important then me? This law doesn’t make any sense to me.

  2. Being out on an open road with vehicles flying by at 65 mph plus is pretty dangerous if you are the person standing or working at the side of the road. The operator of a tow or emergency vehicle or even a cars owner will at times be on the left side exposed to the traffic flow. All that is needed is one vehicle riding too close to the right side to clip one of the parked vehicles and a disaster happens. Simply put, the law is good…it could be you next time out there stuck..think about that #1

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