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Feiglin Cites Errors in Likud Primary Ballots

Manhigut Yehudit leader Moshe Feiglin announced today, Thursday, 9 Shevat 5772, that there were errors in counting ballots in this week’s Likud leadership election.

Feiglin officials cited in the Beit Shemesh ballot Likud officials reported he received 126 votes against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s 77 votes, when in actuality, according to the Manhigut Yehudit poll watcher, Feiglin received 289 votes and the prime minister 114.

Other cases cited include Beit Shean, where Likud officials report 1,074 voters of which 1,030 votes went to the prime minister and 44 to Feiglin. According to the Feiglin campaign, there are only 834 registered eligible voters in Beit Shean and of that number, only 550 actually voted.

Feiglin has turned to the head of the election monitors, retired justice Yehoshua Gross, demanding a detailed breakdown of the voting.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


One Response

  1. Feiglin should stop whining and join a pro-religious nationalist party and stop trying to take over the centrist secular party. If he was to actually take over, all it would do would be to strengthen Lieberman and Livni, both of whom are more objectionable to us than Netanyahu.

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