Mitt Romney Winner In 2012 GOP Florida Primary [8:00PM EST]

The cable networks and the Associated Press called the Florida primary at 8 p.m. on the dot, as soon as the last polls closed in the state’s western Panhandle – in a result that will cement the front-running status of the former Massachusetts governor for the Republican presidential nomination.

The projections were based on unofficial returns and exit polling that showed Romney with a double-digit lead over his closest challenger, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Final polls closed at 8 p.m. ET, and the early trend for Romney — buoyed by strong support among more than 632,000 voters who cast absentee or early ballots — indicated a solid victory to blunt any momentum Gingrich gained from last week’s victory in South Carolina.

According to exit poll information, Romney led in most categories to show his appeal to Republican voters who said their main concern was choosing a candidate who can defeat President Barack Obama in November.

The victory gives Romney all 50 of Florida’s convention delegates, and more importantly, new momentum heading into a series of caucuses and primaries in the next month building up to Super Tuesday on March 6, when 10 states will hold nominating contests.

The battle for the Republican presidential nomination now moves to the Nevada caucuses on Saturday.

(Source: CNN / Fox News / Politico)

3 Responses

  1. I would much rather have seen Santorum win, but at least the victory didn’t go to the serial philanderer Gingrich.

  2. What a shame that the lying no goodnik won this one. Try to contrast him with the anointed one and the only thing I come up with is for the most part Obama is WORSE. When will the establishment realize that “Republican Lite” just WONT win?????

  3. Mark I normally agree with you and for the most part agree, however Newt is still a wild card he talk a good game but do you really trust him? He is still a Christian first dont forget that and he talk thats he loves Jews but his record is shaky not just on that subject but MANY others.
    Santorum is good but unknown and Paul is Paul. So Romney gives the republican the best chance however it all boils down to but a candidate with a clean record who is right wing and loves for Israel to exsist in peace and war then that is a better candidate to elect

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