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Councilman Fidler’s Campaign Calls on Mr. Storobin to Come Clean on Ties to White Supremacis​t Websites

Today Councilman Fidler’s campaign for State Senate called on his opponent, Mr. Storobin, to release all writings, interview transcripts, and links to white supremacist and skinhead sites that have been wiped from the internet since Mr. Storobin announced his candidacy for State Senate.

As soon as questions started swirling regarding his writings, Mr. Storobin’s entire internet archive was wiped clean, but his interviews and articles on hate websites remain. Additionally, Mr. Storobin held a smoke-and-mirrors press conference hours ago where he offered no denial or explanation as to the connection between himself and why these writings appear on hate websites.

“Mr. Storobin should stop hiding his true beliefs,” said campaign spokeswoman, Jenn Krinsky. “If there was nothing offensive in any of these writings or interviews, then why did Mr. Storobin delete them from his website, and leave us only the writings that still exist on white supremacist and hate sites, such as Stormfront, American Renaissance or Phora?”

Stormfront is a white nationalist and supremacist internet forum, described as the first internet hate site. American Renaissance is a monthly racialist magazine. Some of Mr. Storobin’s writings appear on these websites, which are inherently sympathetic to the causes of the white separatist Afrikaner Independence Movement, the Minutemen and other extremists. The website of Phora proclaims to “discuss racialism, eugenics, nationalism, holocaust revisionism, history, philosophy, science, politics.”


5 Responses

  1. I doubted Fidler’s claim, but through various search engines I was surprised to find reports of his writings and association with extreemist organizations, that were put on line fore Fidler’s decision to run.

    This Starobin candidacy is even more flawed than Fidlers. Couldn’t they find a squeeky clean candidate like Jonathan Judge who ran for councilman?

  2. The Minutemen? What are they doing in that mix? Why is Fidler trying to smear the Minutemen with the racist tarbrush? The answer is פיה הכשילה. She said it so we should understand that just as the Minutemen are patriots who are being maligned, so is Storobin. How is it his problem if bad people support him? Can he control who supports him and who doesn’t?

    And bichlal why should a person reject support wherever it comes from? Should he encourage people to support his opponent instead, just because he disapproves of them?! Would you turn down someone’s business in your store, and tell him to go patronise your competition, just because you think he’s a rosho?

  3. Milhouse, a rosho can like a good burger or vacuum cleaner like the next guy- no big deal. He’s also human.

    White supremacists liking a politician for (one could only assume) his policies and views is not the same at all. Explanation seems self explanatory.

    Do agree the Minutemen are not the same. They may have poor elements, but no comparison whatsoever.

  4. Fidler is just looking to divert attention from his strong support of gay marriage and his lockstep support with UFT, the teachers union that opposes any form of school vouchers or tuition assistance for private school parents.

    Fidler should apologize to the entire Jewish community for his slanderous press release. Its insulting to hear a fellow Jew call another a “Nazi” or “white supremecist” when Mr. Storobin serves on the Boards of well known Jewish Zionist organizations.


  5. I see all ready where this is heading to the whole area will be plastered with daas torah proclamations from this candidate & that candidate and the true daas torah will not be listened to so vote Storobin

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